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"What do you mean we have to adopt a child? None of us want to do this." Chan was getting louder by the second. The other 7 stood aside, letting their leader handle this. They hoped he could get them out of this. He was their leader after all.

"Think about how much hassle that's putting on us. How demanding a kid will be. We can't just travel on tours and to concerts with a kid and we can't dedicate the time needed at home for one either! You give us barely enough time to care for ourselves!" The boys all nodded in agreement but JYP sat with an unamused face.

"Adopting a child in need will boost your fame. It will get you more attention. I just want the world to see you adopt a child, after that the child doesn't need to be in the spotlight hardly at all if you all wish. You will be the child's legal guardians after all." JYP responded in a calm demeaner.

He was unfazed by Chan growing anger. When Chan looked as though he was going to argue more, JYP interrupted him "You're doing this. No more arguing. I expect you to pick a child by Monday." Chan and the others growled together in frustration before storming out of the building to go let off steam.

Outside of the building a kid was running from school as she was late. She knew she wouldn't get in trouble, but she still didn't like to let anyone down. She let out a scream as she ran into someone's legs and fell onto her butt. Before she could realize what happened, a hand was stuck out in front of her. She flinched, closing her eyes preparing for a hit, but it never came.

"Hey, it's ok. Are you alright?" A very calming voice with an Australian accent spoke up. She hadn't heard another accent like that since before her mom died. She looked up at the man who spoke to her. There for 8 men in total smiling down at her. This was the type of interactions with children that they loved. But they didn't want to be a guardian to one.

The small girl took his hand and got up before bowing. "I-I'm so sorry! I should've watched where I was going!" before running off again. They all watched her run off before exchanging looks amongst themselves. The girl had an Australian accent. She was obviously korean, but at least one or both of her parents had to be in Australia for some period of time.

The girl had long and straight shoulder blade length black hair, pale skin, freckles, and blue eyes. Her bangs were straight across her forehead, right on her black eyebrows, just above her thick, long black eyelashes. She had a button nose and her pinkish lips looked similar to Felix's lips. She was tiny, she almost looked to be 4 or 5yrs old.

Each and every one of them thought that she could almost be related to Felix, but didn't think much of it as they continued on their way back to their house begrudgingly. As the young girl made it back to her "home" she quickly opened the door and looked at messy house with children of all ages running rampant. It wasn't overly messy. It was what you'd expect with a house full of children of all ages that live a happy carefree childhood.

"Ah, Raine. You're late. Again." A woman stood and walked over to the young girl. "S-sorry Soomin. I stayed after to get help with homework." Raine breathed out, still wore out from running. The woman, Hae Soomin, looked down at the girl before smiling warmly. "Well, as long as you didn't cause any trouble. I'm glad you're taking your education seriously, Raine, but please don't forget to be a kid as well. For being late, you'll take Minsu's turn with the dishes after supper. Run along now."

Soomin sighed as she watched the 7yr old tiny human scurry to her room to do her homework. She only "punished" her so that she wouldn't feel bad for being late. Raine had been in her care long enough for her to know that if Raine didn't feel like she'd made up for something that she thought she did wrong, then she'd punish herself in mentally unhealthy ways. She hated it, but she had no idea how to help Raine feel better about herself without Raine needing "punishments". She had tried counseling, but Raine went mute every time the professionals tried.

Our Baby StayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora