Chapter 2

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Louisiana is a place where I didn't expect to be.

Let alone with this idiot.

I sigh loudly.

"Don't sweat it, Sophie. It's just an interview." He pats my back, trying to reassure me, and it does not help. He says that like it's very easy to entertain a psychopath and it's a person who does not feel any sort of emotion.

I'm nervous and I can't hide it. "Easy for you to say, gold-digger." I fired back to insult him, but he was already used to me being rude, we've been friends for a long time.

Wished he wasn't.

"We both need the money here. Well... Not you, but me."

This man has been going to my house and straight to my fridge to see if he can eat something or anything. That's why my fridge doesn't go empty because I know he will complain about not having any food in MY fridge.

I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm rich because I know how to budget my money and invest. Unlike you, you buy the unnecessary things that make you go broke."

He then pouts at me and clings to my arm. Now this is the Sullivan I know. Clingy, spoiled, and annoying. "You would be there if I go broke! I will live with you in your manor!" He clings harder to my arm.

It hurts.

"You're hurting me. I don't know if you forget that I'm still a girl and not a man, idiot." I said while flicking his forehead with my free hand.

"What's the difference? You're a lesbian ain't you? You're one of the guys, slash — my sister from another mother."

I grab ahold of his hair, pulling him away from my face. His breath stinks, and it smells like onions.

I'm not judging him,

but I am.

"Stay away from me and drive us to the prison already," I said, annoyed. Getting back to the car, closing the door before he clings back onto me.

The ride was noisy, the kid in the driverʼs seat kept on complaining about how rude I was today, which he said wasn't normal for him.

I'm sweet.

It doesn't look like it.

I know, so scary.

"We're here!" He said sniffing the air, "Ah—so this is the smell of murder." I laughed, making him smile.

We looked at each other, anticipating whether to continue this project or not. He told me he's getting goosebumps just by looking at the prisonʼs gate, I can't say the same.

I'm feeling more.... anxious and excited.

Not wasting any time Sullivan took his camera and recorded the surroundings. He took shots at the prison gate, and walls, and said how secure the facility is. But we both know that it's uncertain to be so sure.

We were guided by the guards, who showed and explained to us how and when the facility started. It wasn't a surprise when he said that the building had been standing since World War II. It does look old and shabby.

How can someone work and be a prisoner of this kind of facility? It's dirty. But I didn't come here for the aesthetics of the place, but for the sickos.

Feeling uneasy, I try to look more confident.. Or so I thought.

The scenario looked better in my head, okay?

The metal door finally opened, I sat down on the nearest chair and looked at the man who was said to be a psychopath.

"Mr. Harvey, nice to finally meet you." I reached out my hand for a shake, he gladly took it.

He does not look insane, he looks rather chill. That's one of the perks of being a psychopath.

"Hello, I do remember them telling me that the famous Sophie Jackson will interview me today." He sits in front of me and slouched back. "What is your cause?"

"I would like to ask you questions, I hope you don't mind telling me the truth." I showed him a recorder and placed it in front of us.

"Truth and nothing but the truth." He grins.

I cleared my throat, "What was the reason for your imprisonment?" I started.

He chuckles, "It was a long time ago. 1978 was the date of my first arson and murder, I was 23. I killed three kids and a single mother. I don't remember how I did it, but I got away with it."

"Is that so? How did you then get caught?" I questioned while writing everything he said.

"That's a funny story."

He stops.

I can feel his eyes on me, looking at what I'm writing.

"Go on."

"After years of creating 27 unsolved arson and murders. In the year 1990, I turned myself in." He said calmly, "Because it had been boring to me now, I no longer feel the ecstasy I craved. That is all." He smiles while standing up.

"Thank you for taking your time informing me of this, you may proceed to rest now." I stood and left.

I can't believe people like him thought of turning themselves in. It's alarming that people like them exist in this world. If I had known that this would be my job, I could've held onto my mother's uterus longer.

The second and last psychopath is another man, "Hello, Mr. Rueben." Rueben is not that quiet, but he fidgets a lot.

"Hi, Sophie Jackson, right?"

"Yes, are you nervous?"

"A little bit, I'm not used to being interviewed." He said chewing his nails.

I gave him a smile of reassurance that nothing bad would happen to him. "Don't be, this interview will be short and it's only going to be recorded in this tiny box." I placed the recorder on the table. He nods, "Can I ask you to tell me the truth in this interview, Mr. Rueben?"

He nods again, "Yes."

"How did you end up here?"

He sighs, "I killed my step-father and his whole family. I was brought by anger, I lost control of it all and just did it. I was born with psychiatric problems, maybe that's why my stepdad had always treated me differently. He mentally and physically abused me at times when I was seeking help from my therapist. I thought I was getting better but turns out I was worse than before." He whispered the last part.

"What did you feel after being free from his abuse?"

"It felt good."

"In the reports here, you sew their mouths shut?"

He nods, "I did, because after I killed them, their voices never stopped and I had to close every one of their mouths."

"And your ears?"

"I had only cut one of them, the voices never really stopped. They kept haunting me, and I ended up killing the living in his family too. It had been all too much for me to handle and I couldn't think straight until I saw their blood gushing out of their body." I nod.

This poor kid looks young. He's in his late 20ʼs only.

And, just like in these people — although one can never be fully cured — perhaps with the right treatment, psychopaths can learn to lead normal lives, one day at a time.

But then again, he was abused while getting treatment. I still pity him for being here.

We left the place and went back to Florida.

Thank you for reading Dating Ms. Psychopath.
Advance apology for the misspellings and typos.

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