Chapter 10

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I don't know how many times I am going to apologize for my lack of updating. It isnt an excuse, but I am moving states next week and I have been soooo busy with work, and football, and school that I have just had zero time.

I am hoping updates will come more frequent soon.

Enjoy this!!

*No one's POV*

Alessia woke up with her back to Natalya, and Natalya had her back to Less. Neither were wearing a shirt as they just crashed after the shower they shared together the night before. It was a training day and match day minus one.

Alessia got up and went into the kitchen to make her breakfast that she has every day before a game. Two sausages, a slice and half of toast with exactly 30g (grams) of beans. She doesn't know why she has to make it so specific; she just does. It makes her feel better and it calms her nerves.

She just kept replaying the events of last night in her head, it made her incredibly anxious.

"What if she didn't like it?" Alessia thought. "Shit, have I ruined everything?"

It was really starting to ruin her mood, so before she could even have the chance to see Natalya, she went for a morning run just to clear her head. She put on some training gear that she found in the wash, so that she didn't have to go upstairs to the room, and she went searching for her headphones. Before she could reach the door, she felt a hand on her chest preventing her from proceeding.

"Where are you going?" Caitlin asks. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." Less responds not sounding so confident.

"Are you sure Less? Last time you went on a morning run was when Leah told you how she felt... You can always talk to me." Caitlin reassured.

"I know babe, thank you. I'm okay though, really. I'll see you in a bit, and if I don't then I will see you at training."

"Alright, have fun, don't push yourself too hard!" Caitlin shouted as she watched Alessia run away, she knows she is not okay, but she has no clue what has happened.

Natalya woke up extremely tired, she felt good though. She felt excited to see Alessia this morning, so she reached out her arm to the right side of the bed and was met with an empty space. She lifted her head and saw Alessia was gone. So was her headphones and her phone, Nat was confused. She walked downstairs to see Caitlin doing a load of washing.

"Morning Caitlin! Do you want some help?"

"Oh hey! Yes please." Caitlin responds joyfully, "have you spoken to Lessi this morning?"

"No, I haven't. I woke up and she was gone, it kind of scared me if I'm honest. Have you?"

"A little, she went for a run, so she is okay if that is what you're scared about."

"She went for a run even though we are training later?" Natalya asked getting slightly more concerned.

"Umm yeah, she'll be back in a bit though. Thanks for the help with this, I'm going to head out to get some breakfast and then go straight to training. I'll see you there, right?" Caitlin asks to confirm after sensing Natalyas shift in emotion.

"Yeah, I'll be there. I might just wait for Lessi to get back though."

"Yeah okay, text me how she is."

"I will" Natalya said, her concern was growing.

Natalya waited and waited for Alessia to come home, but she didn't. She looked out of the front window and saw that her car was the only on there, Alessia's was gone. She must've come back, taken her car and left again.

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