Idk prob main story 1

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Side note i cannot spell if my life depended on it so ignore the spelling mistakes....

Our story starts...
Zaza(The zest fest creature) LOVED splatoon so much that people in real life (Some how this creature does exist in real life...its scary really../hj) would tell them to shut up. More specifically they liked the coroika manga, they adored it a-lot actually.One of their "favorite" characters from this manga was a man named Emperor. As his name suggests he thinks of himself as a king like person. He thinks of people lesser then him as "peasants" he is very cocky and prideful, (Probably the type to call you disgusting). Zaza's friends didn't get why she liked Emperor so much, she couldn't stop talking about him, she had pictures of him, her friends probably guessed she had a shrine as well. Though to them this was normal.The mere thought of emperor made her blush and kick her feet like some sort as Deezney girl in-love. Though her friends teased her about this (This thing had friends!?!?Yes sadly i'm one of them.../J we are actually pretty ok friends) she didn't mind!
Meanwhile,Zaza was at home. Her friends quiet literally forced her to go on a call with them.
"Bro can you not talk about emperor for once" One of her friends said
"no...hehe-" Zaza let out a devious laugh causing her friends to giggle as well
"Why arent you moving zaza are you-" Her other friend asked before being interrupted
"I aint calling you by your real name for privacy reasons" Her first friend said
"Anyway,Zaza are you afk on haven't moved the entire game!" The other friend yelled
( other wise know as character ai is a program where ai can talk to you and act like a character,its ment for role play)
"No...but thats a good idea...Thank you!" Zaza spoke happily and deafened and no matter how hard her friends tried she couldn't hear them on the call and was now on, Eventually Zaza left call.

Zaza sat on her bed
"hehe...Emperor..." Zaza then spent an hour reading fan-fiction and using
Zaza decided it would be a good idea to do splatoon choreography at 11:55 PM. So she did, and danced her heart out she did.The clock snd time moved fast.
11:59 PM
Though the time,Zaza didn't care. She danced and danced-
She had fallen,Pretty hard too.She now laid unconscious on her bedroom floor.Fast asleep. Splatoon still on her mind.

"Oh!Who's this?" A naïve voice called,It was an energetic one as well..
The Zesty festy creature opened its eyes..
It was bright!Sunny,familiar...Colorful?Zaza focused her vision on the one who had just called her.It was a boy, blue hair-...Thats not hair..?Those are tentacles.. those..point ears..a marking on his face that connected his eyes... sharp teeth...Wait a minute..THATS AN INKLING! of course Zaza would know this she is a geek in the subject.She looked around...This looked just like..Inkopolis!?

Short chapter because this is mainly a joke fanfic🥲 also yes this is a boring isekai :(
Ill make a story thats unrelated to this probably about yandere emperor because my friend wont stop telling me to write it💀💀💀
Get therapy Zaza!!!😇

Very Zest-y festy creature x Emperor But I wrote itUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum