Gen 1

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1st -

Noah - His sarcasm is just something I really like and I think he's really funny.

Cody - He's my little baby, he's so sweet and he deserves the whole fucking world

Geoff - Him and Noah are my comfort characters, he's so sweet and nice.

Sadie - Absolute PERFECTION

2nd - 

Bridgette - I have no reason for liking her, but she slays

3rd -


Harold - Yes. Just. Yes. He's so sweet and cute 

Leshawna - Do I need to elaborate?

4th - 

Beth - She doesn't deserve the hate. She's actually really great

Heather - She's grown on me, I love her SMMM

Tyler - Lindsay's bf and Al's fuck toy (THIS WAS A JOKE). He's funny and a great character in s3

5th - 

Izzy - A MASTERMIND she overwhelms me, but in a good way

Trent - As a Trent kinnie, he's really boring but sweet

Eva - Her happy face with her big brown eyes makes me DIE (of happiness)

[Added in] Chris - He just got worse and worse as the seasons went on. He was GREAT in s1 though

[Added in] Chef - I like his on-screen moments in s1 and s3

6th - 

Courtney - She has also grown on me, but there are def people I like more

Gwen - I just really like her in season 1

[Added in] Alejandro - I think he's an interesting character. They used him well

Justin - He's actually pretty cool in s2. He's an interesting character who could have been thought out more, imo

7th - 

Duncan - EXTREMELY overrated, he's not that hot and caused that godforsaken love triangle

Owen - I used to hate him, but now I'm neutral on him. I love his voice in rr

[Added in] Sierra - Need I explain? She's grown on me, but she's still really fucking creepy

8th - 

Ezekiel - Must I elaborate?

Katie - A terrible friend and person, Sadie deserves more

9th - 

10th - 

DJ - I fucking DESPISE this man. He gets on my NERVES.

Thanks for reading!!! Reminder: These are my OPINIONS. They are not canon, nor do they deserve hate. I'm sure you have some unpopular TD opinions too!

So, please be respectful

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