Gen 1 Sexualities and Headcanons

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Ezekiel - Aromantic (he/him)
Unlearning the conservative behaviors of his parents and living with his boyfriend

Eva - Lesbian, genderfluid [?] (she/her)
Abused by her parents, Brick and Duncan are her siblings. Moved out at 15 and works at the gym Stephanie goes to and Ryan works at

Noah - Gay (he/him)
Just a depressed and anxious teen. He canonically has like eight siblings so he's the youngest and I think he would get overshadowed. Katie is his twin [older by like a few hours] and D*ve is his cousin
The Ridonculous Race producers paid him to date Emma bc yeah

Justin - Gay [dates girls tho] (he/him)
His modeling career forced him away from his family in Hawai'i. He's conerend abt the tourist problem and the wildfires. Trent (his bf) is trying to get him back to his family but it's hard because they need the money

Katie - Lesbian (she/her)
She built up a tough exterior at home. She and Noah are always in their rooms [that sounds weird]. Katie doesn't know how to get close to someone, so she always does some self-destructive behavior to one day be able to quickly get rid of the relationship
ex. she has a bunch of hate accounts for Sadie, even though they're dating and she's in love
She has anxiety and attachment issues
And got sa'd by her dad [her and Noah's parents got divorced, but her mom doesn't know about what her dad did]

Tyler - Bi (he/they)
A LOT of internalized homophobia that his long-term boyfriend Alejandro is helping him get rid of. [They break up and Tyler dates Lindsay].
He def has mommy issues

Izzy - Pan (she/her)
Not actually crazy though she definitely has BPD

Cody - Bi (he/him)
Cody has stage fright and was a theater geek. Trent and Harold are a huge help in getting rid of it. His parents didn't care about him and so he basically raised himself. Kitty's best friend

Beth - Aroace, (she/her)
Was bullied in high-school. Payed Brady to be her boyfriend because she was so stressed about being aroace and denied it. Cody's sister

Sadie - Bisexual (she/her)
She has attachment issues and mommy issues. Her and Heather are half-siblings

Courtney - Omnisexual w/ preference for girls,  polyamorous (she/her)
She lives off of academic validation and her parents are really strict. She and Gwen were high-school sweethearts. Her dad was physically abusive and her mom verbally

Harold - Biromantic, asexual (he/him)
His parents dote on him because he's actually really nice. But his dad [who his mom is divorced from and now has a new husband] is physically abusive.

Trent - Polysexual (he/him)
He has OCD and incredibly strict parents. He's a musician and supportive boyfriend

Bridgette - Straight, ally, polyamorous (she/her)
Dating Brody and Geoff, she is mentally stable

Lindsay - [Kisses girls and is attracted to them, but doesn't realize she's bi] (she/they)
She's got daddy and mommy issues from her rich parents who don't care about her and she needs a strong figure in her life

Geoff - Queer (he/him)
Needs attention

Leshawna - Bisexual (she/her)
Has a distant relationship with her family and lives with her friends and cousin

Duncan - Polysexual, polyamorous (he/him)
His, Brick's, and Eva's parents are alcoholics and homophobic. They put Brick in the army and changed his last name because their dad is a sex offender and is deeply enveloped in toxic masculinity, so he needed his son to be in the army. Duncan used crime as a way to escape, mentally and physically. Eva just got really tough and moved out. Duncan is a child of a seperate marriage. When he got out off juvie he moved in with his mom (Heather's step-mom)
He also s/hed

Heather - Bisexual, trans-fem (she/they/he/xe)
Her parents are transphobic and Duncan is her step-brother. I have no idea what her dead name would be.

Gwen - Bisexual, non-binary, polyamorous (she/they)
Her parents don't like the fact that she's goth. They don't care about her being gay, but her being alt is not something they approve of. She self-harms and has a closet full of equally baggy and form-fitting clothes.

Owen - Bisexual (he/him)
Stress eater. He's a middle child who eats a lot and acts up a bunch because he needs attention

Sierra - Lesbian (she/her)
Her mom gets super obsessed with celebrities meaning her parents argue a lot. Her and Emma are friends and Emma has a crush on her. She's envious of Cody and is "obsessed" with him to get her mom's approval

Alejandro - Bisexual, pref for boys (he/they)
Overshadowed by his brother who his parents love, so he makes everyone swoon and that's how he gets validation

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