Chapter 2: Breakfast

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A/N: hewwo

" speak
' thought
* sound

====={POV: Shiro}=====

Neon quickly gets up as she stretches her arms

"Good Morning~~" Neon said while still yawning

"Good morning Neon" I reply as i quickly take a bath with Neon

(A/N: There's no Yabai stuff while bathing)

====={After The Bath}=====

after gaining memories of a boy it's gotten hard to stay focussing 'cleaning' Neon...

all though I'm still... me... the memories has been merge I have the same personality but with his on the mix...

as I went to the living room to eat we see a girl with the same hair as me but with smooth hair her halo is 2 black rings with 1 ring being Vertical, her name is Alpha

as we went closer Alpha notices us.and smiled "Come on let's eat while still hot..." she said

me and Neon quickly sit on the chair

Alpha cook us some steaks with rice

Neon quickly eat the steak, her eyes shine as drolls and quickly eat while mumbling

"hmm~ it's delic *mumble* sous Nyaaa~"

Alpha Giggles as she looks at me with a smile

I quickly eat the food and couldn't help but take a moment to savor the taste

"your food is good as always Alpha..." i praise her as she blush

(A/N: There's no Yuri In my dictionary!!)

"thank you shiro~" she said

In the new memories it said that alpha really loves Shiro but didn't show it, she loves being praised by Shiro, and always watches Shiro when she's far away with him...

after finishing Breakfast we put on our uniform as me and Neon finally ready to go to the school

"Be safe while going to school" Alpha said as look at us smiling...

"don't worry if there's is trouble I will protect Neon with my life" i replied to her which she only nods

Alpha: "don't cause trouble for Shiro, Neon?"

"i wont, Nya~" Neon said while holding my hands

Shiro: "Bye Alpha, we will be back after school"

"Take care~" Alpha said as we finally starts heading to the school...

====={Chapter End}=====

A/N: Yo dayo

A/N: Alpha has a special role...

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