Chapter 15: Going out with Meru (No Yuri)

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" speak
' thought
* sound

====={POV: Shiro}=====

"it's been 17 minutes..." I said

"I wonder what Meru was doing..." Akishi said with worry

Shiro: "don't worry... even she would encounter an assassin she would win..."

"umm... ok.." Akishi said while eating a burger...

Akishi: "at this rate we all gonna eat all the fo-"

"You are eating food without me?" Meru suddenly appeared

"ah!" Akishi got surprised by the sudden appearance

"mou... you scared me..." Akishi said with annoyance

"sorry..." Meru apologize

"anyway... where were you?" I asked

"ah... A thief stole all of the exclusive Nemtendo consoles..., I had to get them all back..." Meru said with clear Pride on her face even though her face is a Kuudere

Akishi: "ah huh... heh?"

"how did you catch the Thief's??" Akishi asked Meru with curiousity

Meru begin explaining how she caught the thief by cornering them with the help of the police...

The food already arrived at the table so we begin eating and talking about stuff Neon has completely Gone Fat As she falls asleep on my shoulder

After finishing Eating We quickly brought back the stuff to our Club room although some of the item is delivered cause it's too big


===={Time Skip: School Cleaning}====

It's already cleaning time as some students start going home

Currently Me and Meru are currently cleaning, we're supposed to be cleaning with the other 3 classmates but they seem to have ditched their duties...

"*sigh* cleaning is boring..., but gotta do what we gotta do..." Meru said as clear boredom on her face

"well Cleaning is not boring when you make it like a game..." I Said to Meru

"hmm... Make it a game..." Meru said and then turns to me...

"how about we do just that?" Meru said

"sure why not..." I replied

"ok... so hover got the most trash win, and the winner gets to do something with the loser..." Meru said

"heh easy..." I said with a smug

"hmm let's see about that..." Meru said with competitive Expression

====={Time Skip: 3min later}=====

In the end I win as Meru eyes lost it's life

"i lost..." Meru body leans towards me pretending to have lost a soul

(A/M: No Yuri... Nuh uh...)

"stop being dramatic" I said as shake my head

"hmm your no fun..." Meru said as she slowly get up

"it's seems were done cleaning..." Meru said as she looks at the classroom with accomplishment

"you are right Shiro... cleaning is fun when making it a game..." Meru said as she looks at me with a smile

'dam she's cute as hell' Suddenly my other side who has been since chapter 1 suddenly breaks out

(Note: Their Personality is not completely merge...)

I shake my head and said "yeah that's was fun"

Me and Meru begun to walk home together

Neon already went home so we didn't go home together

"see ya next day~" Meru said

"yeah see ya" I replied as we both headed on different paths towards our homes

====={Chapter End}=====

A/N: Like I said before.... No Yuri... >:1

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