Chapter 1: New Toy, Forever Memories

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3-year-old Terry, just now starting to build a personality. Make some independent decisions. Terry was also known for being mischievous and taking his siblings' stuff if they left their bedrooms open. The little toddler ended up making his way right into one of his older brothers' rooms, Tim's room.

"BaaBAAH!!" He squeals happily, pushing the door right open thinking Tim's was in his room only to be disappointed that he wasn't. Just then Terry notices a black teddy bear with a red mesh bow around its neck on Tim's desk.

"Hmm?" Terry tilts his head, his bright blue eyes shining and now attached to this teddy bear. He made his way over to the desk and started thinking how he was going to get up there. He first tried hitting the wall like legs of the desk with his little jammed hands to try and knock the bear over, but all that did was create a lot of noise and knock the rubber duck collection over.

"Back Beh..." The toddler would pout and stop his foot before hitting it on one of the wheels of the gaming chair. The young one would start to tear up but then realized the chair had wheels. He had toy cars; he knew the stuff with wheels could be easily moved. His speech may not be that well developed yet, but he was smart. And when Terry wanted something, he got it. So, he grabbed a hold of the chair and pulled it back, squealing as he did so. Luckily for him, most of his family was in the Bat-Cave and Alfred was cleaning.

After pulling the chair just enough out, he climbed into it and snatched the black with red mesh bow teddy bear off the desk by the computer screen. He of course got super happy until Ace, the family dog barked at him. Ace typically only barked at Terry to either A: Notify a family member when he was in someone's room, or B: When Terry was eating something such as a small piece of plastic when he wasn't supposed to, and for Terry to spit it out. In this case, it was option A.

Alfred instantly heard Ace and came as quickly as he could to their location. Alfred was getting up there in age, making it harder to go up and down the stairs quickly. But he eventually gets there and sees young Terry inside Tim's room now giggling with Ace.

"Oh, young Master..." Alfred sighs then walks over to Terry whom was sitting in Tim's gaming chair.

"What are we going to do with you?" The older man asks with a kind, heart-warming smile as he picks the youngest of the BatFamily up. And of course, Terry, with the new teddy bear in hands now looks up at Alfred and just giggles.

"Back Beh!!!" Terry chants out, trying his best to say Black Bear with his delayed speech. Only if Bruce, Selena, or anyone had taken the time to teach Terry how to speak properly would his words be soaring away perfectly.

"Ah yes, a black teddy bear. BLA-CK B-AIR." Alfred chuckles softly as he saw the time and walks out of Tim's room with Terry in arms and Ace following behind. He also tried correcting Terry. He did occasionally do it every here and there, but Alfred was a busy man. After all, he is the only butler in Wayne Manor, and has many household chores to attend to.

"Hmph. My teddy beh." Terry ignores Alfred's attempt to try and correct him. Instead, he looks down the hallway to see wherever Alfred is taking him.

For Alfred, when he saw Tim's computer screen, he saw it was almost lunch prep time, deciding he would start prepping lunch early today. He then looks at Terry, and gently tickles his belly, asking the toddler, "You ready to prepare lunch Master Terry?"

Terry's little face expression lights up even more, squealing loudly to indicate a yes, he was ready. Terry knew that meant Alfred would just bring his highchair into the kitchen for Terry to sit in while Alfred safely gets lunch ready for everyone. Terry also knew if he was good, that meant he gets his favorite snack while Alfred cooks. Which was Gerber baby yogurt melts, strawberry flavored. And that's exactly what happened that afternoon for baby Terry. Not only did he get his favorite snack, but he also snatched his forever best friend off his brother's desk.

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