Gotham High Knights Vs Gotham High Crows 1/2

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~Clubs/Grades that the different BatKids are in, cut off date is August 31st~

Cas: Graduated

Stephanie - Senior: Gymnastics, step team

Harper - Junior: Roller Derby, archery

Tim - Junior: Mathletes, Robotics, Baseball

Duke - Sophomore: Soccer

Damian - 4th grade: Fencing, kick boxing, basketball

Tim had woken up to his 5:30 A.M. alarm per usual. He was typically the first one to wake up, besides Alfred. But this morning was different... he could hear a lot of commotion going on downstairs.

Who could possibly be up this early? It's not like today is anything... special! Tim's thoughts immediately realized what day it was.

"OH, KILL ME!!" Tim roars in his bedroom after realizing it's the battle of the schools. Which is just a battle of which school withholding the name Gotham High better. It is a big deal for both the private and public school.

"I think Tim realized what day it is-" Duke says through a mouth full of cinnamon roll pancakes, downstairs in the chaotic dining room.

"You think? Drake doesn't typically yell.. Except when he's playing those stupid video games. I really don't see the joy in them. But all that being said, what is today? And why the hell did I have to get up so damn early?! School doesn't start until 8:30 for me!" The 10-year-old Damian Wayne spoke with his usual snobby tone. He never went out of his way to be nice, unless it was at school. If he wasn't nice at school, he knew for a fact he'd be in big trouble at home. Especially with Bruce.

"No need to be rude little man. And today? Oh, it's the battle of the high schools. Private vs public school. It's a big thing. I used to go to Gotham High public, or the crows and we literally had a spirit week leading up to it, and preparations for it as well." Duke explains to Damian.

Damian just looks at Duke in disbelief. "You're meaning to tell ME, that you woke me up at 4:45 IN THE MORNING JUST FOR A LAME SCHOOL EVENT THAT DOESN'T INVOLVE ME?!" Damian then yells in an outrage.

"Well yeah. We can't afford to be late at all. And we all know how slow you're at getting ready." Duke bluntly said with a shrug of shoulder, gulping down his glass of milk.

"WHY YOU--" Damian was about to throw one of his infamous tantrums, but Alfred interjected.

"If I may Master Damian, it is far too early for you to throw a tantrum. Especially one that revolves around yelling. Shall I remind you Master Terry is still sleeping?" The elder man spoke smoothly to the enraged 10-year-old.

"Tch. I wish I was Terry at this moment." Damian huffs before looking down at his phone.

"If it makes you feel any better, Master Stephanie ordered you your favorite drink from Starbucks and also a cake pop to make up for waking you so early." Alfred tells Damian to try and help calm him, but also adds sternly, "But I will just take both those items away from you, and save them for after school if you cannot be kind and respectful towards your siblings."

Damian was silent for a moment; he didn't know how to respond.

"Can I at least call Drake a fool?" He asks Alfred.

"No, you may not." Alfred crosses his arms.

"Hrm... I supposed I can treat them how I treat my peers at school this morning. Brown has a really good bribe above me right now. But only this morning." Damian exclaims as he takes a bite of his strawberry oatmeal.

"I would expect nothing less of you Master Damian." Alfred chuckles along with Duke. Alfred then hears the sound of running feet come stomping down the stairs and into the dining room.

"Alfred! Have you seen my mathlete uniform, baseball uniform, and robotics jacket?!" Tim asks frantically as his clothes weren't where he left them sitting out at.

"On top of the dryer Master Tim. I decided to take them out of your closet and wash them while you were working on a case because they ranked horridly. They are also freshly ironed." Alfred tells Tim before turning the other way to go get Tim a plate of food from the kitchen.

"Thank you-... wait. And my baseball uniform?! But I was on a winning streak with that uniform just the way it was! UGHH!" Tim found himself having a terrible morning as he ran out of the dining room to go to the laundry room.

"Baseball players are weird..." Cas signs to Damian. She had been sitting there the whole time, but as everyone knows, Cas is just always silent but on rare occasions. Bruce and Selena wanted to take her to see Dr. Thomas to have him test her for selective mutism, but they just haven't found the time to make an appointment, and when they do, they forget to go to the appointment. Oh, the joy of being vigilantes but also managing a "normal" person's lifestyle during the day.

"Definitely." Damian nods in agreement.

"Wait, what did she just say?" Duke asks.

"You don't know sign language?!" Damian looks at Duke once again, in disbelief. "And she said baseball players are weird."

"No. No, I don't. I never had a reason to learn it before joining this family. And oh. Yeah, they are weird." Duke nods as he looks at both Damian and Cas.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2023 ⏰

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