They are in the concert PART 18

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*Enhypen and Engenes are here already.*

*Engenes were really happy that they planned another free concert*

*Enhypen begins to talk*

Enhypen said "We have to tell you guys about something. We found out that the person has stealing an another identity"
*They sighed* "We are very disappointed by this guy's actions, we never knew anyone from our fans could do this."
"Thanks for the help from Stray Kids." *They smiled* "That, we know that he's just using an fake identity". *They showed on how the identity were*

*It was an man with an very hairy bread and had an very very deep-voice*

*But in reality he's just an person with some headphones*

*He looked always tired*

*He had an hoodie and black hoodie*

*He had an mole on his face*

Enhypen said "That's it! Bye guys."

*Engenes are looking at their seats and everywhere if he's here*

*But he's also listening*

*He's at the corner of the room*

*But Engenes already noticed him*

*They yelled*

They said "The Murder is at the corner!!"

*The police was there, trying to avoid him escaping*

*James tried to run but the police caught him*


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