Chapter 13

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*Middle of the night*

Wednesday and enid were sleeping but at the middle of the night Wednesday woke up from a nightmare she looked at Enid and breathed deeply she wasn't at home like she should be  Wednesday thought and looked at the time it was 2pm she knew that she should be at home so she quietly went but some different clothing on and want down stairs and opened the front door and started walking to her house

*Time skip*

After a little bit Wednesday got home and slowly opened the door to see that the house was quiet or so she thought as she was starting to walk up the stairs only to fall down the stairs because someone but a leg front of her leg and she looked up from the stairs only to see her dad being really mad and Wednesday knew what is going to happend

*The next morning*

Enid woke up only to see that wednesday wasn't there and with this she went downstairs to eat breakfast because she thought that wednesday went to eat already but wednesday wasn't there so she asked her mother and father
"Have anybody seen wednesday?"
"No I thought she was sleeping with you" Enids mom said
"She wasn't In the bed when I woke up" Enid answered
"Maybe she went for a walk?" Enids dad said

*At school*

Enid was worried about Wednesday because she didn't come back so she hoped to see Wednesday at school but when she saw Wednesday her smile when she saw Wednesday faded pretty quickly
Because she had bruises on her face and she limped her way to the class what meant that she was hurt

*In class*

Enid sat next to wednesday and started taking notes but she saw that wednesday wasn't taking notes for her self so she asked Wednesday

"Are you okay?"
"Yeah" Wednesday answered
"Then why aren't you taking notes?" Enid asked again
"When have you seen me taking notes?" Wednesday answered to Enids question

Well Wednesday was talking the truth Enid haven't seen Wednesday taking notes ever so why she should take right now but she still asked Wednesday because she was worried about her

"Why are you limbing then?"
"You need some glasses because I don't limb at all" Wednesday said
"But I saw you limping into the class" Enid said
"Please just shut up about me limping because im clearly not limping" Wednesday said to Enid
"Okay relax please" Enid said to Wednesday

*After school*

"Hey Wednesday do you wanna come over again?" Enid asked
"Umm-No I need to go home" Wednesday answered
"WHATT!?!? I told you do not go there"

But before Enid could say anything else Wednesday ran away to her home

What happend to Wednesday?

Hello beautiful reader I hope you are good
And I thought to give yall a chapter to this book I have already the next chapter planned so be ready for the next chapter

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