Bittersweet Spirits

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The taste of alcohol, never my delight, 

Yet I pondered why it held others so tight.

Watching my uncle sip his beers with grace, 

Through my eyes of distaste, it was hard to embrace. 

I vowed against liquor, a promise I'd confide, 

But now, I stand here, with those vows denied.

Once, I questioned them, "What's the thrill in a drink?" 

They said, "You're too young, don't even try, don't even think." 

I saw them smile while indulging in the liquid gold, 

Why did they advise me to let this pleasure go untold?

As I swallow my last shot, deep thoughts unfurl, 

What would my younger self say, this young girl? 

If she witnessed me now, where spirits numb my strife, 

Alcohol, my only solace to escape this life.

Wine, a calming river, soothing my soul's surge, 

Vodka's siren call, makes me reach for the urge. 

Gin erases memories, with each sip, I unwind, 

Rum sets me free, dancing as if time's confined.

These bittersweet spirits, in my hand, they rest, 

Each one a chapter, emotions they manifest. 

In the glass, I find solace, but at what cost? 

Seeking answers, in these spirits, I'm lost.

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