[Day 19] pain is just weakness leaving the body (BTS)

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Written for day 19 of Spanktember 2023. The prompt is "Other punishments". Except the other punishments don't actually happen and is only mentioned in like one line. Y'all can blame my personal dislike for drawn out, stressful punishments...


Jimin did not notice the bright, slippery patch of ice because he was busy mentally practicing the choreography of the song they were currently learning. These days, his mind was more preoccupied with dance than it had ever been before. After years of training in modern and contemporary dance, the sudden shift to hip-hop was increasingly frustrating. He felt like a beginner again, his body refusing to mimic the moves that the instructors tried to teach him. He had always been the first to grasp any new piece of choreography, but now he lagged behind the group. To the extent that Sejin-hyung had called him into his office and told him that the higher ups were considering cutting him from the final line-up. Sejin wasn't supposed to do that, technically, but he said that he wanted to give Jimin a fair warning. So that he would have time to try and improve, before he was officially booted out of the group.

Jimin hadn't gone home that evening, choosing to spend the night in the practice room, trying to drill the movements into his body over and over again. All that did was make him tired, so that he got scolded even more during their dance practice the next day.

He didn't practice through the night again, after that, although he was still spending more hours in the practice room than any of the other trainees, except maybe Hoseok.

Sheer tiredness was maybe another reason why he didn't notice the treacherous patch of ice, at the top of the steps leading down into the alleyway behind the BigHit building. One moment he was still walking, the next his feet were slipping and he was grabbing at the railing and missing and tumbling down over sharp concrete and iron and landing breathless on the wet concrete below. Pain was spreading through his whole body, but it simply radiated from his left arm.

Jimin rolled to his knees, groaning, and lifted up his arm to inspect the damage. The sleeve of his hoodie had a long rip in it. Through it, he could see torn flesh and bright red blood, staining first his skin and the black sleeve of his shirt and then flowering through onto the white of his hoodie.

Trying not to think about which one exactly of the filthy objects in the alley had pierced into his skin, Jimin frantically squirmed out of his hoodie. He pulled the torn arm of his shirt up over his elbow. Blood dripped down his hand, falling in droplets on the icy ground next to his shoes.

He put down his bag hastily, rooting through it until he found a roll of bandage that he usually kept just in case one of his ankles decided to act up during practice. He wrapped the bandage tightly around his bleeding arm. Tighter than what he could cheerfully bear, really, but he hoped that it will stop or at least slow down the bleeding. Then, wincing at the pain, he struggled out of his long sleeve t-shirt as well. It was lucky that nobody from the company tended to use this alley. And more lucky that he had an extra sweatshirt in his bag. The hoodie was beyond repair - bloodstained and horrible - and he gathered it into a tight bundle and threw it into the general trash dumpster in the corner of the alley.

Then, holding his arm stiffly against his body in what he hoped was at least a somewhat normal position, he entered the building.

Hospital or stitches or anything but pushing the injury as far out of his consciousness as quickly as possible did not even occur to Jimin. He had only three minutes left before he would be late for dance practice, after all, and the fall had cost him precious minutes of reviewing the dance in his head before he had to perform it again in class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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