Up in the Cloud

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Author POV

"Dear passenger, now we're about to landing to narita airport, please use a seat belt and back to your seat, Thank you." Chan Mi Said

Chan Mi is a flight attendant, she doing this job for 3 years now since she's qualified enough to work inside the plane.. As her job now is done for tonight, she then back to the hotel, taking shower and do a night routine, then as she lie down on the bed, when checked her phone, she's suprised by how many misscall she got from her boyfriend, Yoon Gi.

"I already told him that I have a work today, why he never understand??" Chan Mi said then she called Yoon Gi

"YAA!! Why you ignored my call!!" Yoon Gi said

"I already told you that I have a work to do.. are you not listening last morning?" Chan Mi said

"Well, at least you can sneak out to pick up my call right?? do you know that lately we never have quality time because of your job??" Yoon Gi said

"I was silent my phone so it can't disturb my job!!" Chan Mi said

"How many times that I told you to stop working as flight attendant!! You know that make our relationship in distant right??" Yoon Gi said

"I know.. but I loved my job and i can't resign from my job just because it's your command!!" Chan Mi Said

"Now choose one, Me or Your freaking job? Do you know that how irritated I am when we're almost never see each other and we only go out when you don't have a job call!! It's just like only me that fighting for our love!" Yoon Gi said

"Why are you saying that to me?? I love you and my job!! and we still can have a quality time together when I have a break.. why you never support my job when I always support you no matter what you do??" Chan Mi said

"It's different case!! My job is flexible enough since i'm a freelancer, so we can have a quality time... Instead you, always involved with many passenger and I pretty sure that you're cheating on me with your own passenger!!" Yoon Gi said

"I will never cheated on you!! You know what, I think we can't fix our relationship anymore because you don't believe on me and you never support my job!!" Chan Mi said

"YAA! You wanna thrown our freaking 4 years relationship just because I'm not support your job?? You're crazy!! This is why I never allow you to become flight attendant but you never listen to me and you just doing what i don't want!!" Yoon Gi said

"Well sorry for that, but I still have a family and a friend that support me as a flight attendant.. at first, you said that you will try to support my decision as a flight attendant, but your mouth is lied and you always complained for a whole 3 years since I started to become a flight attendant.. so let's break up!" Chan Mi said

"Ok if you want to break up!! Don't search and cry to me if you wanna go back to our relationship!! Bye!!" Yoon Gi said

As the phone call hanged up, Chan Mi's tears rolling down as she break up with her beloved boyfriend, but she also relieved that she finally leave a toxic relationship with Yoon Gi.. But in one side, she love Yoon Gi really deeply..

"I need to stop crying.. I have a job tommorow.. let's sleep for now.." Chan Mi said in her mind

*The Next Day*

As she wake up for doing her daily activity, she still feel so sad about the break up yesterday, but she need to keep it professional for her work performa, so now she go to the airport

*at the airport*

As she arrived at the airport, then she doing her job as usual, as it's time to break, she then have a lunch as usual but maybe because her expression is too obvious that she hide her sadness, Yu Ra, Chan Mi's collegue then approach her and ask her what happend to her..

Up in the Cloud [ONESHOT] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ