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As if time suddenly slowed down, she watched in slow motion as the plastic cup of water fell to the floor with a clatter. The room that was usually warm and inviting quickly became cold and filled with dread. She could hear the shadow but couldn’t see him yet. She knew what was coming. The banging came loud, starting in the laundry room and moving into the living room.

She held her little brother who was trembling in her arms. There was nowhere to hide, if they tried it would only make it worse when it found them. She wished her mother was home and not at work, she could save them. The banging got louder, and the room grew hot with the shadows rage. 

Her eyes brimmed with tears, but she had to stay strong for her brother. If she was to crack, they would both be hurt. Finally, the shadow came into view, black like an abyss and angry. It smelled like stale cigarette smoke and sweat.

The girl steeled herself, all signs of life and joy left her eyes and was replaced by a blank stare. The monster roared at her and gripped both of her slim arms that were wrapped tightly around her brother. Dull pain radiated up her biceps as the thing jerked the two back and forth as spit landed on her face as it continued to scream it's rage. 

A sob ripped from her brother’s throat which only made the shadow angrier, but she still held the smaller boy tighter to her chest. As fear was still gripping her heart she stayed still, not a tear to be seen as she stared directly at the shadow face. Icy gray eyes filled with anger and rage stared back at her. She gave her younger brother a small squeeze as if to say, ‘its almost over’. Soon they would be able to take refuge in her bedroom and would be safe while they wait for their mother to return home.

 “Quit crying damn it! Your fine!” The shadow boomed but it sounded different than before. Slowly the shadow turned into a man with slicked back brown hair with a widow’s peak and face red with anger. A man who should be the beacon of safety, someone who you always felt protected by. A man who should be called ‘dad’ instead of a shadow that emanated rage.

“Do you understand me!?” He shouted and jerked her again, more spit spattering on her face. “Yes sir,” she said firmly and held her blank stare to his angry one. “Go to your room!” he spat and finally released her shoulders. 

Once he turned to leave, a sneer formed on her face and a single tear ran down her cheek. She quickly shoved her brother into her bedroom before closing the door and snuggling under the covers trying to sooth both herself but also her sobbing baby brother.

“It’s okay, mommy will be home soon. It's okay, we’re okay,” she said softly, voice wavering, as she snuggled her brother into her chest. As they laid there with the blanket pulled over their small bodies, she wondered what they did to cause this outburst. 

A simple plastic water cup falling off the counter shouldn’t have caused this punishment, right? As the adrenaline finally left both of their bodies the two children drifted off to sleep, still waiting for the glorious moment when their mom finally returned home. 

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