Creating of: Tempus

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For anyone interested in the backstory/inspiration for Tempus:

I based this narrative off of actual events that happened to me, this is just how I remember it being a young child as I had a very active imagination.

Now that I think back on it, writing this narrative was very cathartic for me and made me realize how far I have come as a human and how strong I have grown.

I chose the name 'Tempus' because it means temporary in Latin and all pain ( physical, emotional and mental) is temporary. 'Tempus' is very important to me because it tells the story better than I ever could if I was retelling the events out loud.

I am also incredibly proud that this narrative was published by my college and was recognized in their art journal for the semester.

'Tempus' is one of the earliest childhood memories I have of one of these confrontations happening, the first of many. Even though this narrative may be sad and the memory it is based off of isn't great, it has made me realize just how happy and strong I am now.

Everything is temporary, always find hope in that tomorrow will be a better day.

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