46 - not okay

993 35 14

Jan. 1st

The warmth spreading through Nora's body from the hot tea made her feel good. Jaq had poured her another cup as they sat quietly next to each other.

Sully and Dushane sat across from each other on two armchairs, carrying on a conversation with Jaq while Nora looked on quietly.

Tonight, a man who was supposedly a doctor had come and doctored Nora. He had tended to her wounds, listened to her breathing and had given her medicine for the pain.

She had slept for fourteen hours and had only just woken up, it was 7pm. Then she had hesitantly taken the first steps down the stairs, in the house where she had been forced to live with Sully for weeks.


He had been sitting opposite her since Nora had joined the three of them. Again and again she felt his gaze on her.

Nora had been able to overhear the last few minutes of the conversation between the three of them that the problem had been solved - whatever that meant.

She stared at Sully, watching him as he sipped from his teacup.

She tried to remember everything.

All the last few days were a blur. Her memory had been blacked out. 

The ominous doctor had said she had a concussion and that was why she had been unconscious most of the time.

But as she listened to the others' conversation, wrapped in a soft, cozy blanket with a hot cup of tea in both hands, she remembered something. 

Of someone.


Immediately her heart slipped into her pants. Panic rose in her and she glanced around unobtrusively.

Her eyes met Sully's and it was as if he held her gaze with his. 'It's all right' he wordlessly formed with his lips, not taking his eyes off her. Nora took a breath and slumped back on the couch.

She was nervous.

"It's all good, Nor," Jaq finally said, jolting Nora out of her thoughts. "It's all good, all sorted out".
Nora nodded silently, but her face remained expressionless. She stared at the ground at her feet.

Why did she feel like this? So empty?

She stared at the small clouds of steam rising from her tea, which eventually became invisible.
Then she felt a presence to her left, the sofa sinking in a little.

"It's all good, I promise," she heard Sully's raspy voice. Nora continued to stare ahead, though she felt his gaze on her.

Then she let her head drop to the left on his shoulder.

It was unfamiliar. Like in front of everyone. But Nora didn't notice any surprised looks. She only noticed how Sully's body heat resonated over her, comforting and protective. His hand placed it hesitantly on her back. With his thumb he drew little circles on her hoodie.

Nora tried to let her thoughts go, but she couldn't. As beautiful as this was. It would take a while before she would feel okay again.

"How do you know Heath?", Nora finally asked the group  and cleared her throat. She didn't recognise her own voice. Her throat hurt when she spoke.

Her gaze slid to Dushane, who looked at her urgently and then leaned forward with a sigh.

"We didn't know him, that was the fucking problem," he said, shaking his head.

"His family was in competition with our current supplier," Jaq added coldly.

"I see," Nora murmured quietly.

Everyone else nodded, silently not looking at each other. Jaq lit a joint, took a drag and blew the smoke into the room. Then she handed it to Sully.

"I thought," Nora began in a broken voice, "I thought he was my colleague, I didn't know that..."

"It's okay," Sully interrupted her and pulled her closer, "you're not to blame."

"I feel guilty though," she said with tears in her eyes and shook her head, "I should have realised it, he was such an asshole."

"Sometimes men really are just assholes," Jaq said with his eyebrows drawn together, "you couldn't have known, trust me."

"I thought he was interested in me," Nora said barely audible, "but he fucked me over."

Her heart ached. She was so incredibly embarrassed by it all.

"One doesn't exclude the other," Dushane said, looking Nora in the eye, "He had a crush on you and then you chilled with Sully, man. That was too much for this fucking pussy"

"You bruised his fucking ego," Jaq added with a wry grin, also putting her arm over Nora's shoulder so that Sully sat on her left and Jaq on her right.

"It was my fucking fault," Sully finally said and Nora looked up to his left.

"I should have protected you".


hello friends <3

welcome to the reading-night-finale!! this is part 1/3 and i will be releasing one part every next hour. so get cozy for our big finale.

love you loads and i hope you enjoy it!!

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