Chapter 0 : Divinity

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No One's POV

Within a dark room of swirling glowing orbs, some green, others blue, and others are variety of pigmentations, stands a figure about six feet tall, wearing an ornate robe of white and blue, underneath said robe is a skin tight black bodysuit evident from the fact it isn't wearing any shoes and where skin should be is the same black bodysuit.

Covering it's head is a black mask, showing no notable features except it's visor reflecting what the figure is seeing.

Within an ethereal frame is videos showing various events occurring somewhere. Buildings being destroyed, people being killed or enslaved by angelic and demonic beings alike, and various grotesque things.

It isn't until a woman with blonde hair with fox tails and golden eyes wearing a yukata, cries out.

"Please anyone save us!"

The figure swipes it's hand angrily at the frame, causing it to fade into particles. Where once was the frame, is now a black orb with sparks of red lightning.

"...Forgive me for being so negligent..."

The figure says while reaching for it's mask. Upon touching the mask, various sounds and gases resonate from it before some of the plating on the mask shift as long blonde hair falls freely to the back of the figure. Lifting the mask off, the face of the figue becomes apparent.

White skin lightly tanned male with hazel green eyes, a stubble of a beard and a relatively handsome face stare at the orb with a empathetic look on his face.

"If only I foresaw The Rogues' plan before hand, I could of done something

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"If only I foresaw The Rogues' plan before hand, I could of done something."

The man's hand becomes a fist as images of what he just saw play in his head over and over again. A dark aura washes over him as the orbs in the room begin to dim. Upon realizing what he was doing, he dismisses the aura just as quickly as it came.

"I have to do something, anything to help these poor people."

A feminine voice piped up from nowhere in particular.

"Sir, the others and I agreed that the fault is not yours alone."

"But it is, if I wasn't preoccupied by the conflicts of my home world, I'd be able to ensure that incidents like this are handled before they get out of control."

"But Sir, isn't that why you created the 'Emperors' program in the first place"

"No, I created it to ensure peace and prosperity for everyone in 'our' world, not others. Most were never trained in extra-dimensional travel, much less the possible consequences of not being in their home 'world'. Sure, Reaper and the others with universal markers could travel with me since they can self-integrate into the new Universe, but even then this is my problem and mine alone."

The man turns around and starts making his way out of the room carrying his mask by his side. A door slides open filling the room with light.

"There is still time for me make things right, I will not fail them too..."

The man says as he walks through the newly opened door, which then closes with a thud and the room beingly enveloped by darkness once again.

Soon, the man is seen walking down a white corridor with chiseled pillars illustrating various archaic and magical pictographs. Eventually, he reaches a white door, where upon he places his hand upon the door as it glows with light lines before sliding open.

Inside the room is a transparent platform overlooking into a vortex. Blurred images of people and places are seen in the vortex, as well as assorted voices and sounds of people and creatures oscillate around the room.

The man hooks his mask to his robe and sighs before levitating to the platform, coming to a stop in the middle. He then closes his eyes and splays his arms out with palms facing outward before radiating a multi-colored magical energy as rings of the same magic begin forming all over the place. The vortex slows to a halt as the rings collapse into the vortex forming a rift that upon opening gives a clear image from a bird's-eye view of a destroyed academy and the city it overlooks, as well as the surrounding forest.

Once the rift is open, the man drops his arms to his sides and his magical aura dispersing. He then opens his eyes and walks to the edge of the platform, looking into the rift the man's facial expression changes into a saddened one.

Closing his eyes again, the man takes a deep breath before teetering off the edge, falling headfirst into the rift. Upon falling past the rift's threshold, it suddenly closes the room turning back to normal.

???'s POV

I tried to run but no matter what I did, it wouldn't work.

To them, these demons and angels our magic was inferior, our technology useless and our attempts at fighting back...Futile...

So here I am running away, my clothes torn and rugged, and me not any better. But right now, none of that matters, they're right behind me. I swear I can smell the drool from the smaller demons that are chasing me. The bigger demons with wings and magic, unlike any I've ever seen, following behind them in the air issuing orders.

I fear what may have happened to my friends and my mentor. Everyone, I'm sorry for not being better. Perhaps if I was a better friend then may we could've done something. I could've found a solution to all this if I was just a bit-.

Suddenly, I am launched sideways and sent tumbling on to my back. I feel one of my wings broken because of the impact, along with a searing sensation on my side. Looking where I was, there is now a small crater with the nearby grass and trees on fire. Turning my attention to my side, I see my arm badly burned and my side singed.

I try to get up despite the pain but it hurts too much to move. Upon hearing leaves and twigs bristle and crack, I turn my head to face the noise and can only look with horror as my pursuers make themselves known.

The smaller ones had the morphology and look of a hairless dog that was experimented and tortured, elongated snouts, horns and teeth primed to gore and eviscerate their victim, hands and feet instead of paws, and nails sharp enough cut through a tree like nothing.

The bigger ones looked like a demon they'd describe to scare children, horns perched upon their heads, wings stronger than any avian, hands and claws ready to tear apart their prey, teeth made for tearing flesh and magic that makes me question what is the point of all my years learning magic.

They began to approach me their intentions clear, they mean to devour me without mercy.

I begged for someone to save me from this horrible fate.

I wanted to see my friends and family again.

I'd hoped that my mentor would swoop down and vanquish these monsters and save me.

But deep down I knew at this moment... I was doomed to die.

Looking up, I prayed that this wasn't my fate...and the sky responded with a twinkle ever so small that I thought I'd imagined it.

Soon it became a reality as the twinkle started growing bigger, no it was coming closer. Before I even realized it the demons were looking at it too but something was off.

They were afraid...These monsters who tore through some of the strongest people our world has to offer were now scared of this light streaking across the sky like nothing I've ever seen before.

But before the light struck, one of the bigger demons called the light something I'll never forget...



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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