chapter 6

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"Green" I said.

With that, George immediately took off his jacket and shirt, pulling me into a rough but sweet kiss.

Is this what it's like to be with someone you love?

This feels like deja vu.

We make our way to the bed, still sharing a heated kiss.

Pulling away, I look George in his eyes.

Am I doing this because of my hormones?

Didn't I want to save myself?

What if this doesn't work out?

"Dream?" George talks to me, rubbing my cheek to make sure I'm alright.

I gulp again.

Is this right?

Should I do this?

"We don't have to do this Dream" He reassures me.

"I know.." I respond.

He looks me in the eyes, searching for something.

Probably what I'm searching for in his; a sign of regret or being uncomfortable.

Neither of us see a sign of this, or maybe George just missed my slight uncomfy feelings.

As he gives me a kiss, he takes off my shirt; staring at me.

'Is this right?' I keep asking myself

"God you're so fucking hot.." He says breathlessly, kissing my neck and collar bones.

I groan, getting the satisfaction of my needs.

But I can't stop but think if this is wrong or not.

"George?" I let out, being uncomfortable.

"Hm?~" He looks up at me. His face switches up.

I think he knows I'm uncomfortable.

I frantically look around, what's happening?

I feel like the world is caving in on me.

"Dream?" George says, seeming confused.

I breath out, my breath unsteady.

Am I dying?

"Dream, are you ok?" He asks, studying my face, searching for what's wrong.

I feel like I'm dying.

I can't breath.

George hurries to get off of me and sit me up.

I can't help but choke on my breath.

"Dream, please communicate with me, what's going on?" He asks me.

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