chapter 16

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The doorbell rings.


I get no answer.

"Eh" I shrug it off, going to the door.

"Hey" A guy says.

"Who are you?" I ask him.

Dream doesn't have friends. Who is this guy?

"Jamal (Juh-Mall), I'm a friend of Dream's, is he home?" He asks.

"Uh- yea, come in?" I say, opening the door.

He has friends now?


"Yea?- First door at the top of the stairs" I inform him.


Walking to Dream's room, I knock on the door.

"Dream? It's Jamal" I state.

It's silent.

'Ok?' I think.

Walking in, I realize him and George are naked, laying in bed.

"SHIT- SORRY!" I scream, covering my eyes.

"FUCK!" George screams, probably getting dressed.

"MOVE" He yells at me, running out of the room.

Sighing, I turn to Dream.

"Are you covered?" I ask.

"Oh my god- No" He sighs, facepalming and getting dressed.

Uncovering my eyes, I sit down

"What was that"

Plopping onto his bed, he groans.

"We had sex."

"Why" I ask.

"I don't know" He sighs.

"He's ashamed, you know?" I inform.

"I realize that. He said he loved me"

"And you gave in?" I ask, laughing.

"Shut upp" He groans.

Laughing, I toss him my bag.

"What?" He asks.

"Open it" I shrug.

Opening it, he looks up at me.

"Tryna corrupt me?" He asks.

"Heyy if you're not interested"

Scoffing, he looks at me.

"You're stupid" He states, getting up and going through his drawer.

"Hm? Got a stash?" I ask, chuckling.

"Lighter" He states, tossing it to me.

"Sweet, mine broke" I say, grabbing a blunt from my bag.

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"Brooo, this girls tits are so big" I laugh, showing Dream a picture on my phone.

"God that's like- Scary?"

"PFFT-" We burst out laughing.

Getting interrupted, someone opens the door.

"Dream..?" George whispers into the room.

"Yo! Open the door, whore"

"Excuse me?" He sass's, walking in.

Scoffing a laugh, Dream covers his mouth, trying not to laugh but ends up coughing from the weed.

Laughing, I pat his back.

"Breathe dude"

Coughing, he pushes me away.

"I'm dyinggg" He laughs.

Chuckling, I look at George.

"Pretty view?" I ask.

"Fuck off." He bites.

"Watch your language bitch."

"Suck my dick" He rolls his eyes, dragging Dream out of the room with him.


"What do you want?" I ask George, giggling.

"Holy shit- Are you high?!" He asks, staring at me.

"Why do you caree?" Jamal slurs from the bedroom.

"THE FUCK'S YOUR DEAL?" He screams, going to the bedroom.

"Don't start shit George-" I start, following him.

He scoffs.

"Me? You're gonna accuse me of starting this?! HE CALLED ME A WHORE!" He screams in my face.

"Yea, you are" I state.

"FUCK YOU" He screams, slapping me and leaving the house.

"Oh shit are you ok, dude?-" Jamal asks, getting up to check on me.

I break out, laughing.

Jamal chuckles.

"You called him a whore" he giggles.

"HE ISSS" I yell, laughing my ass off.

"Fuck yea he is" He laughs.


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