part three**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

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I won the beerpong game. But I think Chris let me win a little bit because he was actually good. I had to drink 8 cups, but I'm only feeling a little bit drunk because Chris only filled them like 1/4. ''You are actually good!'' , ''Oh stop you missed a few on purpose.'' I smile ''No no not at all!'' Chris says while finishing the last cup. ''Next time if we play teams you and I should partner up. We would totally win against Parker and Marie.'' he whispers even though nobody can here us anyway. ''Sure! That's true. Marie is not the best at beerpong, but only because she is already drunk when the game starts!'' I laugh. ''You should come over to hangout with us. With Marie and Parker and a few of my guy friends!'' he says surprising me. ''Then Marie wouldn't be the only girl!'', ''I KKNOOOWW. Marie asked me like hundered times already. I feel honored to be invited! I will think about it haha!''. ''I would be happy to see you there'' he says while stacking the cups together.

I feel like we are being watched. I look around the yard and catch a boy staring at me and Chris. It's one of his brothers, but from the distance I can't really judge which one of them it is. I turn back to Chris. ''Hey I think someone is looking for you!'' I tell him. He turns his head to look. ''Ohh I'm sorry y/n, I told my friends I will be back in a sec. Now I was gone for 20 min haha'' he says looking back at me, ''It was nice talking to you! Maybe we can talk more later?''

''Yes sure totally. I should look for Marie. She is probably already here looking for me.''

''Well then, see you later y/n!'' he says going in for a short hug. I hug him and smell the perfume he is using. It's just a quick hug but his grip around me is giving me a little rush. He is a good hugger. ''See you around!'' I say as he is walking off towards his brother.

I watch as he goes and hear a little of what he is saying to his brother: ''Stop fucking looking at me like that'' he says as he reaches his brother. ''Bro you are so fucking annoying what is up with you and all the girls lately. I've been looking for you.'' the brother says rolling his eyes.

''Matt relax. What are you so mad about? It's a PARTY so chill out!'' Chris answers amused. ''I'm totally chillin, while you are just talking to random bitches. Stop flirting seriously. These girls are just going to get mad at you idiot.'', ''Oh my god, pleasee, shut the fuck up Matt. I know what I'm doing'', Chris says clearly annoyed turning away and walking inside.

I knew Chris talks to a lot of girls but hearing this from his brother kind of makes me regret talking to him. I'm not some dumb bitch he was talking to. I don't have a huge crush on him. I just wanted to get to know him more. And I promised Marie to talk to him. Ah idk if that was a good idea. But overall the conversation was so normal. I hate that other people may think I'm just some fangirl. And clearly Matt thinks I'm just some fame whore. I look at Matt. Just like with Chris I haven't talked to Matt at all. I just know he is a little bit less extroverted in comparison to Chris and their gay brother Nick. 

Matt looks pissed off and is looking over the yard as he catches me looking at him. He glares at me, knowing I heard the conversation. Why is he so mad. Well, good job y/n you got to know Chris but also made a bad impression on his brother. Nice. Rolling his eyes again he turns away and follows Chris inside.

After talking to a few people I made my way inside and found Marie. ''Ahh. There you are!'' she smiles and hugs me. ''Oh my god you won't believe what just happened''. I tell her the whole story but leave the part with Matt at the end out while we mix ourselfs drinks into red cups.

''AH HAHA. What?? You have got to be kidding me! I was about to set you two up but this is so much better. And omg I'm so happy Chris was there to save you from that asshole. You are okay right?'' she asks a little concerned. '' YES really it's okay. But the thing with Chris... idk''. ''Tell me!! What do you think? Isn't he like really your type like i told you?'', ''Hm. Yea kind of... I have to say he is really charming and charismatic. And funny of course. He's cool. But like I already told you I don't need boy drama right now...''I look at my drink ''Oh come ON. Y/n! Chris is no drama! He is really chill.'' I look up and raise an eyebrow. ''Chris is no drama? I heard he is always flirting with girls. And I saw it the last few times that we were at the same parties too! That seems like a lot of drama to me!'' I laugh. ''Hm i get your point, but you have to see it differently. He maybe also doesn't want a relationship and drama right now so he is just casually talking to girls yk? And that puts you two in the same situation. SO... you're perfect for one another.'' she declares happily. I laugh at her delusional statements. ''Just try befriending him. Then you will know more.'', ''He actually told me to come over next time you guys are hanging out. With Parker and all you know...'' I say kind of shy. ''Omg so you want to come? Finally! I asked you like a thousand times already. I'm glad Chris makes you want to join!'' Marie says excited. ''Yea but he said that to me AT A PARTY and probably a little tipsy. I don't know. I will think about it.''

We got back to the party, talked to people and drank. I grab my drink and go upstairs to the restroom and wait in line. I hear the door lock turning and I see Madi standing right before me. We both freeze and just look at each other blinking. Nobody saying anything. A few seconds pass and I take a step back and she walks out of the bathroom. I quickly enter and turn the lock. What the fuck. Ahh i hate it. I hate seeing her. And especially so directly. Ahhh cringy. And especially when I just talked to one of her best friends. I can't believe Chris is so close to her. How can anybody like her. How can someone as nice and funny as Chris be friends with this snake. Weird. It actually makes me look at Chris a little differently.

I leave the bathroom when I'm done and go back to the party. I'm on the first floor that is overlooking the living room and watch the people downstairs. Just a moment for myself to recollect and charge my social batterie a little bit. I listen to the music and take a sip of my drink. I scan the room to look if I can maybe see Chris anywhere but he is nowhere to be found. I see Madi sitting on the couch with Nick next to her. They are talking. It always looks like they are gossiping and judging. Maybe they are. I look if maybe Chris is with them but he is not. Why am I so obsessed with him suddenly. Get yourself together stop looking for him. I don't have a crush on him. I don't even know if i WANT to get to know him better. But i liked talking to him. I would like to spend a little bit more time with him. But I guess maybe he is with his guy friends around the house smoking? Or it also could be that he in in the house in one of the bedrooms with a girl. Just like Matt said he flirts a LOT. Whatever he can so what he wants. I shove the thought aside.

I guess my social battery is dead. I make my way down the stairs to look for Marie. The steps are crowded and i squeeze my way down the steps trying not to fall down. I stumble and slip 2 steps down. But I manage to balance myself out. No i didn't balance myself out. Someone is holding me by my shoulders and my head is resting on their chest. I look up and for a short second think it's Chris. But it's Matt that is holding me. "Of course it's you" he rolls his eyes again. Can this man like for once not roll his eyes? "Get of me" He pushes me back roughly as if regretting he prevented me from falling in the first place. "Sorry I sliped", I answer, "no need to be such a dick about it". He scuffs and walks past me purposely hitting me with his shoulder. I hold on to the railing to not fall. "Whatever" I hear him say from behind me. What is wrong with this guy. I thought I just made a bad impression earlier but this seems like he really has a personal problem with me? I thought Matt was like the quite one of them. Introverted, not really loud, kind of indifferent and not really the type of guy to start a fight. To me he just seems annoyed, rude, and easy to piss off.

I decide to not think about it too much but this interaction keeps poping up in my brain. On the way home I try to concertante on the music playing but i can't stop thinking about it. And thinking about it actually pissed me off. I don't tell Marie this. It's not that I don't trust her. I'm just embarrassed. Matt made me feel embarrassed. How can one person be so rude. Asshole.



hey hey

hope you enjoyed the story so far. i will definitely continue this! i just don't know how the story will go on... so maybe comment things you have in mind

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1744 words

starstruck ~ chris sturniolo x y/n / matt sturniolo x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now