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Mingyu's job never got any easier despite how long he had been in this line of work.

He was in the heart of Inferos, Ethrelia's underground city, trailing a Wistalie government official who allegedly had been smuggling illegal resources to and from a small organisation in the underground up to the surface. Someone wrote up a bounty to kill said official for 300,000 cartas ($3000) and to obtain proof of the exchange between the two.

Simple enough.

He peaked from his place behind the wall's corner, seeing the Wistalie official head into a bar, illuminated by neon lights that shone brightly through the subtle smog.

He pulled his black mask down as he stepped into the bar, a rowdy ruckus of intoxicated customers coming into sound and view; it was a typical scenery one would see on a Saturday evening. Mingyu situated himself at the bar. "I'll have an Old Fashioned," he said to the bartender as he threw the cartas coins onto the table, the bartender giving him a nod as she began to mix his drink.

"Your drink, sir," she said a minute later, clanking the glass down in front of him. At the same time, Mingyu's target walked past him, following a man that looked like the dealer, based on the information he was given prior. He snapped a photo with his geonix bracelet before the two disappeared behind a door that was allegedly for the bathrooms; stupidly enough there were no bodyguards following them.

He downed his drink and opened the door, facing a long corridor with multiple other doors as you walked further. Just get in and out, don't make it messy. His footsteps were light, trying to hear the muffled voices of people talking in one of the rooms. It was only until Mingyu reached the final room in which he could hear loud, haughty laughter.

Mingyu reached into his jacket pocket for a minute camera in the shape of the ball, rolling underneath the crack of the door lightly to not make a sound. Once he knew it was in the room, he pulled up his geonix screen to observe what was happening inside.

"What do you mean you can no longer supply me with the materials?!" The Wistalie official exclaimed.

"It's simple. Another investor is willing to pay a higher price and in cash." The dealer said nonchalantly, shrugging. "They're more competent than the likes of you."

"How dare you speak to me that way! Have you forgotten who I am?!" Mingyu could imagine the veins popping out of the old man's forehead.

"And have you forgotten where you are?" The man stood up intimidatingly to tower over him, causing the official to flinch from the sudden movements. "You are in Inferos. You are in my territory. It would be in your best interest to not cross me, unless you want to lose a finger."

The threat was all it took. Mingyu observed the Wistalie official's frustrated stature which then turned into angry footsteps towards the door he leaned on. He quickly minimised the screen and pulled his mask over the lower half of his face.

The official stormed out the door, slamming it close behind him. "That fucking bastard!" He yelled out of irritation. "Who does he think he is?!" He hadn't yet noticed Mingyu's presence yet, perhaps because of how dimly lit the hallway was, so now was Mingyu's chance whilst they were alone.

Mingyu walked up carefully behind the man, a blade in his hand, taking a deep breath before wrapping his free arm around the man's neck from behind. The official is awakened from his annoyed state, attempting to escape from Mingyu's hold.

"What are you-?!" His question is cut short as the blade tears his flesh.

Mingyu was swift in plunging the dagger deep into the man's chest, straight into his heart between the two ribs. He twisted the blade to ensure the damage was done, the official unable to speak anymore and was gasping for air, his heart beginning to fail him.

"It's almost over," Mingyu whispered, comforting the man until life disappeared from his eyes.

He gently shut the man's eyelids and pulled the lifeless body out through the emergency exit door.

it's done

you have the proof right?

[2 Attachments]

i'll send them in

do you know what materials they were trying to smuggle up?

no idea, the client didn't tell me anything else other than they wanted the guy dead
but anyways
now that that mission is over, you wanna get a meal back at the association?
junhui will be back  from his mission in edena

as long as you're paying lol

COME ONN i covered for your meal last time!
and you got more than enough cash, especially from this mission

says the highest ranking agent of the association

alright alright, just get your ass over here

"Kim Mingyu!" was what Mingyu heard as he entered the association's main hall. He looked ahead to see Seokmin and Junhui already sitting in the canteen, beginning their meal without him. Seokmin was waving happily for him to come over and sit.

"Oi, I thought you were gonna wait for me," Mingyu pouted, slumping himself down next to Junhui as he aggressively removed his mask.

"You were taking too long, I was fucking starving," Junhui complained as he chowed down on the plate of pasta infront of him. Mingyu grimaced at his friend's messy eating habits as he also started filling his plate with said pasta.

"So how did your mission go in Edena?" Seokmin asked, sipping on his iced tea.

Junhui groaned at the thought, "it was a fucking nightmare, that guy was never alone for even a moment."

Mingyu laughed, mockingly, "sounds like a skill issue in my opinion."

Junhui turned towards him, giving a threatening arm like he was about to deal a punishing smack to Mingyu's head. "You try hunting down someone within the palace walls, then you can mock my skills." Mingyu could only rolls his eyes.

"Guys guys, calm down," Seokmin scolded, waving his fork between the two to break them up. "I don't need you guys causing a fight in here like you always do, I'm busy enough as it is."

"Oh oh! By the way," Junhui began as he propped his leg up to get more comfortable. "Is it true that the association is going to receive a huge bounty soon? I overheard some people talking about it when I came back. Do you know what the price is gonna be?"

This pricked Mingyu's attention. Since starting here, there have rarely been any huge bounties posted, the highest usually being government officials or staff within the ranks of the palace.

"Apparently..." Seokmin leaned in closer, ensuring no one else other than who was at the table could hear, "there's a secret organisation that's planning to put up a bounty for members of the royal family."

The two assassins were taken aback. Mingyu almost spat out his water whilst Junhui nearly choked on the pasta he was slurping up, and Seokmin returned to his original position to guarantee he wasn't in the line of fire of the two.

"That kind of contract would be worth at least 1,000,000,000 cartas! ($10,000,000)" Junhui exclaimed, causing heads to turn their way from the noise.

"Will you keep it down?" Mingyu whisper-shouted, smacking the older lightly on the back of the head. "We don't need the whole association on our asses right now."

"You have any idea which kingdom they're targeting?" Junhui asked in a whisper but Seokmin only shrugged in response. "Damn, if either of us score that contract, we'd never have to work again. We could buy a house on the surface. We could finally escape from these slums and live an actual life!"

That doesn't sound too bad, was what Mingyu thought. He's known crime and killing all his life by living in Inferos, always on the run and hiding amongst the shadows. The idea of finally living in the light up on the mainland... it sounded like something he could only obtain in a dream.

If only this dream were to become his reality.

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