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Bad English (I'm sorryyy)

samoel's POV:
'Ugh.. what time is it?' I stood up from my bed checking my phone '9 AM...mhm' I put my phone away and bury my face into my pillow 'wait....9 AM?!!' I sit up like flash and start to get ready 'fuck, fuck, fuck I'll get detention again!' I snatched my bag pack and ran out of the house.

'Wait...it's SATURDAY TODAY!!' I ran back inside the house and threw my bag pack onto the couch before lying down on it.
My phone vibrates *message from "bastard"* 'Jan? What does he want uff.' I open the messages app and read the message 'hello samoel,...visit...family...fun...today at 4 PM?' (<— Samoel reading in his mind) I sigh and look at my father who is in the kitchen sipping his coffee 'I mean...why not'.

"hey dad" I say "what brat?" My father answers like always sometimes I ask myself 'how did you end up looking like a gentlemen—?' "A 'friend' of mine invited us to come over and have dinner" I said showing him the message "hm...tell them we'll be there" he said before adding "tell your siblings to be ready at 3.30 PM" I nod and go up stairs opening the door of my older brother "hey bro. Dad said be ready to go out at 3.30 PM" I said closing the door again I don't care if he was awake or not.

I open the door of my older sisters "hey make-up box, be ready to go out at 3.30" I close the door before she hits me with her brush 'finaly the last one' I open the door of the youngest sibling I have "hey princess" I say picking her up "we will be going out today okay?" She nods "hungry?" I ask and she nods again "let's make you breakfast". GUYS SHE IS 3 1/2 OKAY?! DONT BULLY ME FOR BEING SWEET WITH HER! [<— samoel talking to you]

(Flashback of how samoel got that message)
Jan's POV:
"Cmon Jan invite samoel over! he seemed like a brave boy" my mother said "mom you don't even know him fully" I said looking away "I am sure you know less then me!" My mother said walking out of my room 'what's wrong with that woman? It's literally 8 AM on a Saturday' I brush my hair and go out of my room.

After cleaning up and eating break fast it was 9 AM already and I go back upstairs and look at my phone 'huh why is it open?' I go to the last used apps and it was the message app I click on it and see that someone had texted Samoel 'HUH!?' I read the message 'hey samoel, I wanted to ask if you're free tonight I'd love to invite you for dinner your family can come too! We'll have much fun!At 4 PM'

(End of flashback)
Jan's POV:
I stare at the text for minutes...

"MOM YOU'RE KIDDING, RIGHT?!" I yelled out of my room pouting 'I bet samoel definitely thinks I'm weird' I thought to myself 'I hope he doesn't come...huh a message? [Samoel: we'll be there.]     ....kill me.' My thoughts started spinning around "so is he coming?" My mother asked "yes.." I answered looking away "Great!" She clapped with her hands and went into Tyler's room telling him to dress good for dinner.

Third persons POV:
In the mean time both of the families got ready and dressed well.
It was about to be 3.30 PM soon, samoel, his older brother, and his 2 sisters got into the car of their father and started driving to Jan's house. Samoel was actually feeling happy since the cooking of Jan's mother was better than the food samoel's father makes.

Samoel's POV:
"So you're saying the food his mother makes is ten times better than fathers?" My older bro asks "yas Bro believe me" I answer "samo don't like papa food?" My little sister asked "uh I do like it but the only thing we eat for dinner is always noodles".
"Don't complain about my cooking skills or you won't get dinner for a week" my father warned "chill dad I never said they were bad" I shrugged.

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