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We're running out of ideas 😔😔
We hope it's going to be good 'cuz chapter 6 was such a boring story like just a little skit
Anygays let's begin

Samoel's POV:
'Monday morning ugh.. and we have p.e. At 7.55..' I stood up it was 6 AM knowing 'today is a nightmare..' I stepped into the kitchen turning the coffee machine on. Waiting..........waiting........still waiting.... 'Ugh.. why isn't it starting?!' I look at the machine about to throw it onto the floor but then my father entered the kitchen "the plug isn't in, dumbass" he says and I look at the plug 'gosh..embarrassing' I plug it in and wait for my coffee to finish but right after it was finished my father took it "I need it more than you. Now go and get ready for school" I glare at him and go up stairs into my room to change my clothes.

Time skip
( 7.30 in school)
I walk up to my friend group and we walk towards the gym hall "Bro where are your p.e. clothes?" Akio asks "I left them at home" I replied, quickening my pace "but we're playin' volleyball today" Shaw said trying to match my pace "I'll just clean my shoes the teacher won't notice" I said opening the door my group entered and I was about to close the door but I noticed Jan who probably was going to enter too so I kept the door open for him to enter "thank you, Samoel" he said. Poor thing too innocent "You're welcome, darling" I said and closed the door behind me.

Jan's POV:
I glance at him annoyed "stop it already damn it." I shake my head and walk towards the changing room, I change my clothes and go to the gym hall, everyone listens to the teacher and they decided that we're gonna play volleyball. The teacher choose teams. I was in a team with samoel and a few more students....great.. 'it can't get any worse.' he smirked at me I hope he won't tease me like on the weekend and earlier. As we played I was very focused on the game however as I looked samoel's way he winked at me with a smirk, I was annoyed honestly but I could feel my cheeks burning a little.

I quickly looked away just to see straight forward a ball flying into my way I tried to run away but I tripped on my untied shoes, I eventually fell on the ground smashing my face into the floor, it hurts as hell but I was able to sit up, I don't think anyone noticed me so I tried to stand up but couldn't. My leg hurt as hell, suddenly I saw samoel coming my way looking down at me slightly smiling, "looks like someone got hurt, don't worry bae I got you~"  samoel said. I was super embarrassed and buried my face in my hands. The teacher then also came over and told samoel to bring me to the changing room.

Samoel lifted me up BRIDAL STYLE!? 'Oh god help..' my cheeks started to burn more "Let me down!" I yelled at him but he kept walking towards the changing room ignoring me completely. 'Why does it have to be me?' Once in the changing room he sat me down on the bench "pff— you can't even dodge a ball or catch it" he said trying not to laugh "ofc I can! I was just focusing on something else in that moment" I said looking away from him avoiding his smirk hi whole presence "I see, were you focusing on me?" He said winking "you wish." I respond bitterly "you're no fun" samoel says rolling his eyes.

After some minutes Samoel brought the first aid box "so where is your bubu?" He asked opening the box "don't say 'bubu' I'm not a child." I said and there was a big silence and samoel just stared at me "it's the left leg.." I said looking away in embarrassment and samoel took a hold under my leg and  lubricated a cold cream on my leg that made me shiver slightly "it's cold, right?" Samoel asked and I nodded 'what is he thinking it should be? Warm?' I thought slightly annoyed of samoel's dumb questions. "Are you dumb?" I asked I didn't want to ask that but it just slipped out of my mouth.

"no, I don't think so. Why?" He answered "just so" I said looking away, now samoel was wrapping the bandage around my leg. "All done, darling" samoel teased me "shut up! I swear if someone hears us." I said wanting to stand up but fell backwards and right at that second samoel caught me by my waist, I blushed deeply and samoel started smirking placing me back on the bench. As I shifted on the bench the other students started to enter the changing room. Samoel's friends started to approach him. "Yo bro!" Shaw said placing a hand on samoel's shoulder and they started walking away but I could still feel samoel's eyes on me.

The p.e. Class was over finally we all left the gym hall and headed towards our next class getting on our seats and taking a little break "hey bae" samoel said sitting down next to me 'why can't I get a new seat...? Next to someone who doesn't call me pet names!' "What do you want samoel?" I asked coldly "nothing, why so cold darling? Hm?~" he replied taking out his math book and leaning into his seat "so, you got anything planned for later?" Samoel asked "it's 'do you have plans for later' do you know how to speak English?" I said sighing "ofc I do! It's just a bit broken because it's not my first language. deal with it" samoel said rolling his eyes "so where is my answer?" He added "yes I do have plans for later." I said and the teacher walked in.

The day passed by and samoel didn't stop teasing me soon my brother arrived to pick me up from school with his car and unfortunately samoel was standing right next to me... "get in Jan" Taylor said, I was about to open the door but samoel grabbed my wrist "no goodbye kiss?" He asked while checking me up as his friends (they're some feets away) bursted out in laughter. Taylor didn't look really happy about it and that made samoel smirk "no. We're not a couple samoel stop with this acting already!" I said pulling away and going into the car.


Words: 1106

Words: 1106

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