Day 1, The beginning.

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"Hi! I'm Baldi!" said a seemingly kind man with a soft strand of brown hair peeking from under his lime green beanie, and his piercing green eyes shining in the artificial light of the lightbulbs above him, smiling with ruler in hand and his classic green sweater and blue jeans.

"Oh, Hi, I'm Joshua, and this is my twin sister Ella and my older sister Kayleigh" said a interesting young boy, his hair was red as volcanic lava and his eyes were a soft gray void that someone could easily get lost in, her twin sister's eyes were the same as his but with blonde hair, while Kayleigh had pure Grass green eyes that looked like a blade of grass surrounding her Pupil and pure dirty brown hair.

"HELLO" said Ella, sass in her voice along with the fact she sounds a little crazy.

"Nice to meet you kiddos! Head on over to the cafeteria to eat some yummy breakfast and get started for the day!" The kind man spoke again, smiling softly as the 3 children walked away

Once the children reached the cafeteria, the 3 noticed the cafeteria was bustling with children and teachers, The 3 kids were waved down by a interesting girl, she had short curly black hair and eyes that looked like darkly colored static, wearing a red dress and carrying a bright red jump rope, next to her was a boy who had white hair and eyes quite similar to googly eyes, the boy resembling a sock. 

"Hi! I'm Physicca Princi! But you can call me Playtime!! This is my friend Arts and Crafters!"


"We call him Sock, but his real name is Tobie Crafters!" The 2 were an interesting bunch, they seemed friendly, even if their features were inhuman, they were polite and funny, so the 3 sat next to them. And Playtime and Sock were delightful people! But another kid approached, he had brown hair and eyes and an orange and blue shirt on, he seemed rude... 

"Well, if it isn't Jump rope girl and her little sock friend? Who's your new little friends?" the guy asked.

"Leave us alone Bully." Playtime told him. But he pushed her. Joshua stood up towards him, an aggressive glare in his Gray eyes. 

"Don't touch her." was all Josh said, the boy then tried to push Josh, just for his wrists to be grabbed. 

"Don't. touch. Me. Either." he said, pushing the taller kid backwards. 

"You got a lot of nerve to be fighting someone bigger than you, I like you already. Name?"

"Wouldn't you like to know". Joshua said before grabbing his bag and reaching into it., 

"Josh no," Kayleigh told him, so he simply put his bag back on as Bully walked away with a simple sneer.

"Wow! I've never seen anyone stand up to him!" Playtime said, a large smile on her face, Sock only smiled softly. 

"Who was that guy?"

"His name is Benjamin Bully, he's mean to everyone, thinks he's better than the rest because he's the tallest kid in school, hey we never got your names!"

"Oh, I'm Josh,"


"I'm Kayleigh"

"It's so cool that you guys are siblings!"

"Thanks playtime"

Another man, different from baldi walked over, his eyes were covered with a strange black cloth and he had black hair similar to playtime's, wearing a black and gray striped sweater, his voice was soft and quiet. 

"Is everything okay over here?" he asked, everyone simply nodded and he walked away.

"Who was that?" Joshua looked at Playtime.

The man they just met was the principal himself

Phillip Princi. Or, as he was better known, Princi.

The schedule was simple.

1. ELA.

2. Math.

3. Art.

4. Lunch

5. Science.

6. History.

7. Music.

8. Recess.


There was just one problem.

Josh has a learning disability.






Hopefully Baldi will Understand.

Kayleigh, Ella and Josh's Baldi's Basics storyWhere stories live. Discover now