Chapter Eight- Frog face

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Anita's Pov

"WHAT?!" Becky screamed out loud in the library earning loud shush and glares from other people reading around us. "You did not just meant what you just said to me now Anita." Becky said in a much more quiet tone unbelievably.

"Well you better believe it cause I'm not kidding at all." I said clearly amused at her reaction.

"Oh my God! So you mean your next door neighbor happens to be Edwin McCain the new school's hottie that's mind blowing." She exclaimed.

"Well I don't think it's not something to be celebrated about. Edwin is a dick with the little I know about him." I said nonchalantly.

"Really so you mean you don't find him cool then?" Becky asked giving me the 'i know you do' look.

"I really don't find him cool. Edwin is anything far from cool......."

"Did I just hear my name?" Edwin appeared out of nowhere startling me in the process as he sat between me and Becky.

"Where the fuck did you come out from man?" I asked in shock while Becky was obviously fangirling over him.

"I teleported from the class to the library stupid." Edwin said sarcastically with a snort making me frown. "Sup red head?" He smirked at Becky.

I was suddenly ashamed of Becky with the way she reacted like she had won a golden medal.

"I'm Becky." She introduced giggling uncontrollably like the highschool she is.

"Hey Becky I'm Edwin." Edwin said to her

"I know." Becky said. "I mean everyone does." She added and I mentally face-palmed myself for her naivety.

"Cool. You seem nice unlike frog face over here." Edwin said with mischievous smirk at me.

"Wait what?! You did not just call me that?" I asked clearly annoyed.

"Yeah I just did frog face." Edwin confirmed and it took everything in me not to slap him hard.

The school bell buzz signifying the next period.

"Okay gotta go to English class ladies." Edwin said getting up from the chair. "See yah both in class. Especially you frog face." He winked at me and left.

"Oh my god!!!" Becky gushed excitedly. "He did not just gave you a nickname did he? That's totally cute."

"Have you gone mad?" I gave a Becky an 'are you serious look'. "He called me a frog face, how is that cute?"

"Well it is cute for me." Becky smiled. "I will totally ship you guys."

I gave Becky a dead look as I stood up and left the library for class.

"Wait Anita....I was only joking." Becky laughed.


After school I told Becky to wait for me at the parking lot as I waited for Edwin to come out from his last class for the day.

I saw Edwin coming through the midst of students from the classroom as I waited by the door.

I waved him over and he wore quite a surprise look seeing me. He walked up to me with his signature smirk on his lips.

"Waiting for me frog face?" Edwin said arrogantly.

"Hey don't call me that ever again." I warned him with pointy fingers. "I want to speak with you for a moment."

"Really? Are you going to confess your undying love for me?" Edwin mused as I gave him a look.

"Look this is serious okay? No joking around." I told him seriously.

"Oh so what's this all about then." He asked.

"It's about Abigail. About what you said yesterday. The under the bridge stuff and the smoking in the woods?" I said.

"Uhmmm...." Edwin started scratching the back of his head unsurely. "I can't remember all that I said last night but I know for sure I was clearly bluffing." He said getting pretty uncomfortable which is unlike him.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking suspiciously at him.

"Yeah I am." Edwin stated.

"So how do you meet Abigail then?" I questioned.

"I said it all last night. We had a class together." Edwin defended.

"Okay then. I really hope you were bluffing about the smoking part though because the Abigail we know is asthmatic." I said to Edwin.

Edwin looked surprised for a moment then he covered it up with a blank look.

"Well too bad for her then. I really hope she recovers from that but now, I really have to go." Edwin said as he left.

I don't know why but had this feeling that he wasnt bluffing last night like he said he was.

I guess I have to find the truth out myself.

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