the brown hair boy // danny gonzalez x reader

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3rd person

it was y/ns first day at this new high school. high school wasn't new to her and she knew what to expect. y/n is just some shy girl who barely talks and when she does she speaks in a quiet voice and doesn't say much.

y/ns pov

"high school.. still.." i mutter to myself as i drag myself out of bed. i stand up and walk to my closet to choose something to wear.

after that i start doing my makeup.. better then usual ig. i did. my hair, got dressed, did my make up, and brushed my teeth. i walked downstairs where to see my dad making my sisters lunch.

"hi sweetie" he says looking at me as i slowly walk over to the kitchen where he was "hi" i say in a soft voice as i sit my bag down and start putting my stuff in it.

after that i finally walk out the door and start walking to my new school witch isn't to far from my house.

3rd person

y/n left her house around 8:30 since school started at 9:06. she walked and walked until she finally got there. the yard we small but not to small. the actual school itself was massive. she continued to walk closer to the school until she was stopped by these girls who were wearing jeans with a baggy shirt of some band.

she heard them whispering before they walked over to her. "so.. u must be new!" a taller one with brown hair said with a smile on her face.

y/n didn't say anything but she just nodded her head yes. the girls looked at each other before the shorter one who had short dirty blonde hair said something "your cool" she whispered to y/n before backing away from her.

the girls then walked away from y/n just as if they were running from someone. a few moments after that a tall male with brown hair brushed by her practically running into her. "sorry" he said running into the school.

y/n just kinda sat there slightly confused. she then walked into the school. it was much bigger then she thought.. much bigger then her old school as well. her old school only had about 100 students since it was more out in the country and not to many people went to it.

she walked around cluelessly before bumping into the same boy from earlier. "HEY.. oh shit sorry" he started to scream before realizing that it was her. she looked at him slightly confused.

"u ok?" he asked "yea.." she said looking up at him and her face going red.




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