pussy eaters. 😻😻

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it was a dark and stormy night when marcy heard a knock of the door "HOLY SHIT" she screamed as she slowly walked over to the door to see who it was. to her surprise it was her best friend cyrus, who was soaking wet from the rain. cyrus without saying a word just barged in and went to the kitchen. "hello to u to" marcy says in a sarcastic tone of voice as she follows cyrus into the kitchen.

"kys" cyrus says as he walks upstairs to look for a towel. "ok..." marcy says as she sits back down on the couch and opens her phone to text the others about what's happening when there's another knock on the door.

"now what." marcy says getting up and opening the door.. it was ev and grady. "how tf.." marcy sits there surprise and confused on why all 3 of them are here at her house.

ev and grady sat on the couch and started fighting over the remote like how a brother and sister would. "guys... give me the remote.." marcy walked over to grady and ev who wouldn't stop fighting.

"istfg.." marcy was cut off by another knock on the door. "NOW WHO IS HERE??!?!" marcy yelled as she went to open the door, it was mug.

"u to.." marcy sighs as she goes back to the couch to try and get grady and ev to stop. cyrus comes back downstairs with his soaking wet hair and says something "oh yea forgot to tell u i invited some people" he says drying his hair a bit more and walking over to the couch.

mug just sat there in shock of the site. "yea.. they all suck" marcy rolled her eyes and got up and hit ev as hard as she could "ow" ev said as she got off of grady and turned to face marcy.

"GRADY GIVE ME THAT DAMN REMOTE U FUCKING GAY ASS FURRY!!!!" cyrus yelled as he ran to tackle grady.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?!" marcy yelled as she sat there in shock as she watched cyrus beat the hell out of grady.

"GET OFF OF ME U SLAVE" grady yelled as he pushed cyrus off of him.


erm short ik but k wanted 2 post something 2 my oneshots so yea


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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