Lost Love (Kakshi Generation)

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Third Person

The four ninjas known as Obito, Kakshi, Rin, and Minato, walked into the entrance of the damp cave. They walked further in, inspecting the unknown territory, ready for an ambush. When they walked so far into the darkness that they could not see, a voice called, "Who are you?"

They turned, weapons in hand ready to strike. They could see a silhouette with green eyes. "I said who are you?" the voice echoed making the tone of the person's voice unknown.

Minato stepped forward, in attempt to see the person clearer.His ankle was caught and he looked down seeing that the Earth had latched on to him, wrapping around his ankle. More caught around his wrists and ankles bounding him to the wall before he could make a move. 'This person is dangerous,' he thought.

"Minato-sensei!" Rin called worried. Kakashi glared moving forward before ending in the same position. 

"Who are you? Why are you here?" the voice asked again. Minato was calm, thinking rationally, Obito was freaked out with wide eyes, Rin looked fearful, and Kakashi looked tense.

"We were sent here to observe the unknown land," Minato answered calmly. There was shuffling of feet and Obito got in a fighting stance with Rin standing worriedly on the side. There was little heard until you could hear the crackle of fire. They saw a small fire now lit on the ground, a minor fire jutsu. The fire illuminated the persons face. Pale skin, brown hair, and forest green eyes, there was something earthy about her. It was notified her small, petite figure and her curves, showing she was a girl. She looked around Obito, Kakashi, and Rin's age, which was just twelve. Her small dress was tattered.

"I apologize for my earlier behavior," she said, and the ground holding Minato and Kakashi fell. "My name is Shinku Namida." Minato stared at her, why was she here? Where were her parents? So many questions brewed inside his head but he settled for one.

"Why are you here?" he asked kindly his bright blue eyes shining with curiosity, and worry.

"Survivng," she answered simply, as if it were her daily life. Rin looked shocked, how could a girl her age live in a cave?

Minato continued his questions, "How old are you? Where are your parents?" Minato barely caught it, but her eyes hardened for a quick second when her parent's were mentioned.

"I am twelve, my parent's are none of your concern," she snapped.

"You are twelve? Where do you live?" Minato probed again.

"Yes, and I live here, in this cave," she said.

Minato was surprised to say the least, a twelve year old living in a cave? He has heard of no such thing. He was also worried, would she be okay?

"Are you okay, would you like to come with us to Konoha?" he asked. Shinku glared, not trusting the man before her.

"Would you try to kill me, I am feared for a reason," she said, her glare deepening. Rin was surprised, kill her why? Kakashi could only focus on fear, and Obito's thoughts were jumbled, leaving only confusion.

"What do you mean feared?" Minato asked.

"My kekkai genkai is what people fear," she said.

Minato has heard of such people, mistreated, and attempted murder because of their fear in the war, the Yuki clan, the Namida clan, and so many many more, wait she said her name was Shinku Namida right?

"You are of the Namida clan correct?" he asked. She nodded confirming his suspicions. "Please come to Konoha, we will keep you safe," he asked sincerely wanting to protect the girl.

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