Ice Cream

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I walk over to the field near the boy, this should be fun... Wait they're making me a ninja... Why? I didn't get a headband either... I'm confused...

"Start!" Minato called, snapping me out of my thoughts. Kakashi rushed at me, his short blade in hand. He obviously had an intent to kill. I sighed, side stepping while twirling around his blade. I went to strike his back, but he swung his foot at me, trying to make me lose my balance. I quickly jumped back and swung my right arm around hitting him in the side and sending him flying.

Living with a people after you teach you how to fight, that's all I'm saying. I'm pretty good at taijutsu, in fact I have one of my own made styles, Freeform. Relies solely on flexibility and the ability to change from opponent in a very complex way. Let's say it's complicated for now.

He pushes himself up, black eyes ready to kill me. He rushes at me and I decide to use some slight freeform. As the blade swings at me, My knees bend and I limbo, looking like a flat table. I instantly spring back up jumping on Kakashi in a feline way, I quickly spring off and he loses his footing. I flip on the ground, still in a strange position and turned kicking Kakashi's feet from under him. Just as he is about to hit the ground, I swing my foot up kicking him in the stomach and slammed him into the ground. Sucker never stood a chance. Before he could get up, I pushed him back down.

I heard applause, and I looked over seeing Rin, Obito, and Minato watching us. They were clapping and smiling. Rin walked to me smiling. "Your amazing, when did you get so good?" She asks smiling. I blink, these people were definitely different.

I stood up releasing Kakashi and walked over to Minato with a slight spring in my step. He smiled kindly at me, his blue eyes shining. "We're going out for ice cream, would you like to come?" he asks.

"Ice cream? What's that?" I asked bewildered. Is that some kind of weird cream mixed with ice cubes? That dosen't sound appealing...

Obito gasped dramatically, "You don't know what ice cream is? We have to go, now!" He grabbed my hand making me blush badly, he yanked me in a direction and I quickly followed. Minato and Rin quickly kept up with us, he took one look at my face and laughed. I was beet red, his hand was soft and he was just smiling the sweetest smile ever. I followed him and he stopped at a small shop and pulled me inside.

"Arata! Asuka! Come quick! This girl has never tasted ice cream!" Obito shouted. Two twins appeared, looking me up and down. They had pale blonde hair and observing green eyes. Their hands were together and they looked my age.

"This is Arata," Obito said pointing at the boy, "and this is Asuka, they run the shop because their mother is terribly ill." I nodded and they looked at me and Asuka smiled.

"You don't try to sympathize or anything, thank you," Asuka says.

"We don't need sympathy, yet everyone gives it, it's annoying,"  Arata sighs.

"Anyway! Let's go get you icecream young girl!" Asuka announces, her hand slipping from her brothers grasp. She skips to an ice cream tub and quickly scoops out one. She hands me something in a strange cone like shape. It's dark brown and round with chunks in it.

"That's brownie fudge, the best we have, and also would you like the usual Minato, Obito, Rin?" Arata asked. They nodded and he walked to the back while I observed my 'ice cream'. I licked it and sweetness filled my mouth. This was good! I quickly liked it and it was great. I heard laughter and I looked up from my ice cream. The laughter was coming from Obito.

"You look like a seven year old with that face, you got chocolate all over your face!" he laughs. He grabs a napkin and wipes my cheek making me turn red again. I look down blushing and start eating my ice cream again. Minato had chocolate, Rin had this green one with chips in it, and Obito had a strange blue one.

"What flavor is that?" I ask pointing to his icecream. 

"Bubblegum, you want to try?" he laughs holding out his ice cream. I turn pink and shake my head. 

"I'm fine, I have this one," I say gesturing to my own. He nods and starts eating his again.


Waking up is not fun, especially when it's by a cold floor. "Wake up, you have a long day you know!" It's funny how I got so used to this. I turned again slamming face first into the ground. I groaned, why was the cold floor always after me!?! I pushed myself up and tackled the currently laughing Kushina. We fell on the soft bed and she laughed tumbling around, me in arms. I giggled as she got on top of me tickling my sides. I squirmed and laughed tears falling. Kushina knew I was ticklish, she always used it against me since she knew my weak points. My sides, my feet (weird but true), my stomach, and the small of my back.

She let go when I was short on breath and tears stained my cheeks. I was out of breath, sprawled on the bed. Kushina and Minato were like family, real family, not like my parents who tried to kill me.

Minato walked in smiling. "Hurry up Shinku, we have our first mission today!" I jump up and run to the closet getting ready. The other day Kushina bought me clothes, it was fishnet (of course), a blue shit with a navy and orange hoodie, black pants too. They were comfy, but definetly missing something. 

I ran to my teammates with a smile on my face. After the past week or so, I found myself trusting them. Rin was my best friend, and Obito, I think I have a crush on him. Kakashi, no offense, but he is a total stickler, just because me and Obito are late sometimes, he has to be all on us. Rules this, rules that, it's annoying!

"Anyway, today we're going to bring a man back to the land in the waves, he has many people after him so we have to keep him safe," Minato said, we nodded not questioning anything.

 We followed him to the gates, all ready and all. The man is a pervy pedo. He continues wrapping his arms around me. He has untameable green hair and gold eyes. He looks strange. I don't bother to learn his name, it'd be a waste really. I walk around him still latched on to me. He was annoying, wish I could just chop of his arm or something.

Obito saw my stress and grabbed my hand smiling. I blush in return, I definitley like him... It calms me and we continue walking and I catch Rin smiling and looking at our hands. Minato's doing the same... Holy chiz they're shipping us! I blush more and the man finally let's me go, I mean seriously! Obito still held on to my hand and I sighed.

We made it to the border of water and land when we were attacked. Five men, all wearing stone headbands. My hand slipped out of Obito's and we got in fighting position. One man comes at me ready to kill. Rin, Kakashi and Minato are caught up with three others. Obito deflects the ninja, and seeing the ninja behind me I flip up, kicking him in the jaw. He went flying and I landed back and placed my back against Obito knowing we could fight better like this.

I hook my arms around him and he pulls me up and swings me around, kicking one or two ninja. I land back on the ground and Obito swings around punching another one. We work as a good team. The ninja are finished off pretty fast considering it's us. 

"Well let's go, we have a place to go!" Minato announces stepping into the boat. I follow and hop in the boat, the others in tow.   

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2013 ⏰

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