Act 10 Chapter 3:family and assassination

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*at plains*

Bullix:*leading few gallimimus*this way

Nigel Marven and Brady Barr:*run from horde of albertosaurus as they were actually hold a meat*

Tagiru:*as brachiosaurus*round them up

Vaydo:*as argentinosaurus*sure is

Three scutosaurus:*in the cargo*

*at camp near beach*

Few helicopters:*carrying few cargos*

Akane:that's all of them...*petting one of dimetrodon*

Tagiru:we should head home now

*so they went Shinogami family house*

Tagiru:I've home


Kamashi:how is your trip

Tagiru:its fun and also challenging

*at suddenly*

Hooded men:*try to get off Gabooga*get off from my leg!

Gabooga:I've won't! kill Hairi once..not this time you bastard!


Otoya:so you...are one kill her!!..*bash him causing a bottle dropped from his pocket*


Kamashi:*sigh*..let me tell why

"I've was his second wife after his real wife were passed away...forgive me for lied to you and your siblings"


*at suddenly*

Otoya and Gabooga:*been crash*ugh!



Hooded men:you test my patience...*aim his gun*

Himani:taste this shit!


Himani:*rolling a barrel filled with cat litter causing crash to him and uneasy due to cat litter*

Otoya:*grab a vase and hit it causing the vase break*take this you killer!

Hooded men:*injured while try to escape*

*at outside*

Hooded men:*try to run but bashed whole body by Tagiru as tyrannosaurus*ugh!

Tagiru:*step on him*no escaping criminal

*as police arrest him..Kamashi want to ask her how she get Barrel filled with cat litter*

Himani:well...she told me when she will absent from her job...we use this method if there is burglar

Humani:and language?

Himani:I've was befriending with girl named Adra and then she said that word so yeah


*at Paleozoo in china*

Zei:*look at zhuchengtyrannus eating its meal*

Tagiru:Zei you-

Katsura:we ask professor Reese to teleport us here

Zatsuke:so..can you tell us how you know him?

Tagiru:we were actually

Zei:in same group

"Supernatural Association"

Katsura:now it make sense

* prison where a breach happened*

Few prison guards:*unconscious*

Goroshi:welcome back..Zorok

Zorok:thanks for your finally

"For a huge revenge"

ACT 10 The End

Prehistoric life encyclopedia

Katsura:Albertosaurus, (genus Albertosaurus), usually subsumes Gorgosaurus, large carnivorous dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous Period (99.6 million to 65.5 million years ago) found as fossils in North America and eastern Asia. Albertosaurs are an early subgroup of tyrannosaurs, which appear to have evolved from them. Smaller and sleeker than T. rex and Tarbosaurus, it was still larger than many theropods. Albertosaurus could grow 33 feet (10 m) long, though 30 feet (9 m) is considered a typical length. It was 11 feet tall at the hip

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