Dakota's Bio

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Name: Dakota "Cerberus" Morningstar

Aliases: Prince of Pride, Prince of Wrath, Prince of Hell, King of Hellhounds, Satan's Prized Hellhound Son, and Cerberus

Family: Satan (Dad), Lilith Morningstar (Mom), Lucifer Morningstar (Step-Dad), Charlie Morningstar (Half-sister), Mammon (Uncle), Asmodeus (Uncle), Leviathan (Uncle), Belphegor (Aunt), and Beelzebub (Aunt)

Birthday: October 31st

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Fur Color: Reddish Brown

Hair Color (Human form): Dark Brown

Skin Color: Brown

Eye Color: Red (with white irises)

Race: Hellhound Demon

Birthplace: Pride Ring

Occupation: Prince Sin of Pride, Prince Sin of Wrath,  Prince of Hell, King of Hellhounds, Singer at Howl's Music Station, and Assassin at I.M.P

Looks (in private):

Looks (in private):

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Looks (in public):

Personality: With having three heads means having different personalities

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Personality: With having three heads means having different personalities. Being the son of the representative of Wrath Dakota can be a major hot head if spoken to the wrong way. Dakota can also be considered chill and laidback usually around others he knows. His last main emotion, but not least is his lustful personality either being romantic to straight up lust.


Dark Magic: Due to Dakota's father being a powerful sorcerer he has learned to use dark magic that either rivals or is equal to the Ars Goetsia

Regeneration: Like all demons Dakota can easily regenerate his body such as lost limbs, injured organs, or even recreate his own body. It is a pain for him though

Hallucikinesis: Due to Dakota being able to use dark magic he can use it to create hallucinations of any kind

Typhokinesis: Dakota can generate and/or manipulate smoke to which he either uses to sneak up on his enemies or for a badass entrance or exit

Teleportation: Thanks to Asmodeus, Dakota can teleport all throughout hell without leaving any trace he was there to begin with

Environment Manipulation: Dakota can change the color, ambience, and illumination in any room he enters making his entrances with his smoke much more dramatic and badass then they already were

Demonic Transformation: In this form Dakota becomes a a full sized Cerberus with his body emitting heat as hot as hell fire

Human Disguise: Just like all high rank demons and hellhounds Dakota has a human disguise he can change into when he goes to the human world

Pyrokinesis: With Dakota being the son of literal Satan he is able to create fire normally summoning it to his hands or releasing it from his mouth

Electrokinesis: Much like Dakota's Pyrokinesis he can do the same thing with lightning and even use it to increase his speed more than it already is

Cryokinesis: Just like the other two Dakota can control ice that's colder than usual. He can also make the phrase "A cold day in hell" literally

Authority: Due to his parents being the literal Queen of Hell and representative of Wrath, Dakota rules over all of hell for his mom and step-dad as well as the Wrath ring


Musical Talent: Just like most of the other sin representatives Dakota is a very good singer either going for pop/rock/or heavy metal music gaining most popularity from teenage/animal based sinners,imps, and other hellhounds

Bonus Info: Due to being both the future King of Hell and future representative/ruler of Wrath, Dakota has been trained to use his demonic powers by his dad and mom along with the other sins teaching him some of their own tricks so he can be more powerful. Despite high ranking demons like the sins not wanting to be overthrown they want Dakota to be stronger than themselves due to him being the only Cerberus in hell. The pentagram collar is a gift he received from his dad that he got from Paimon which helps him blend into hell as a normal hellhound. Since he's also part of a royal demon family, Dakota can go to the human world whenever he pleases

Love Interests: Loona and Octavia

Love Interests: Loona and Octavia

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