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Six years ago

Glory tried very hard to get her camouflage scales to WORK! She suddenly went invisible, as Glory snuck around (until Dune would get back), then, the cave entrance opened up and Glory snuck out, she didn't want to go to the Rainforest kingdom, but she remembered reading a "fictional story" about a place called "the lost continent", and Glory was someone that believed it existed, two days had passed and Glory had started to think that maybe the lost continent didn't exist, until she saw a large. . . Continent? It was smaller than Pyrrhia, but it wasn't an island, when Glory landed, she saw a jungle, and it was much smaller than the rainforest Glory had seen the the map of Pyrria, and it had. . . Odd, plants, which Glory mostly kept her distance from, when Glory got somewhere in the middle of the jungle, she saw a. . . Village? A few more days passed, and she lost interest in the village (it was the PoisonWing village btw), when she was traveling around the jungle (without being endanger to the carnivorous or poisonous plants), she found another village, but the dragons there had a queen, which she found out a few days later was named "Queen Sequoia", and that she has one known heirs-to-the-throne, Princess Hazel, some time later, Glory went back to the, what the other village calls, the PoisonWing village, but this time, she got caught, when Glory woke up, she saw a feirce PoisonWing glaring at her, with a smaller PoisonWing, who seemed only a year or so younger than Glory, when Glory tried to stand up, she saw that her two back talons were tied to the wall with very tight vines, and the older PoisonWing finally started to talk. What's your name, little dragonet, the PoisonWing asked, with a deep tone. it was a female PoisonWing, she had dark green scales of a lighter shade than the smaller PoisonWings, that were dotted with patches of brown, she had sharp green eyes and strange pale burn scars splattered across her talons and her forearms, she had an air of authority about her, she wore several small pouches that were woven from long grass or fashioned from leaves, and Glory didn't feel afraid, as always, Glory was pretty used to that face because of Kestrel, the grumpy SkyWing, always had a scary face (according to Sunny, Starflight, and Clay, and to Glory before she turned one-year-old), Glory gave the PoisonWing a stern face. It's Glory, who are you, the queen? Glory asked, putting the last part in a sarcastic tone. The PoisonWings talons gripped into the ground so much that it was noticeable. I'm Belladonna, the leader of the LeafWings, she said.

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