Wither Skeletons

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Picture not mine, I don't know if I was supposed to copy that or not...

I woke up in the morning to Zombie calling my name.

I sprung up immediately, ate an extra baked potato, and went outside.

"Yeah, is something wrong?" I asked.

Zombie looked confused.

"It was time to wake up, you seem ready..." he said.

"So, what's the problem?" I asked.

"Nothing, WDYM?"

"FML. I'm going back to bed."

"No, it's school time!"

"Fuck!" I said. "Let's go!"

"Bruh," said Zombie. "I thought you'd relax and take your time to get ready..."

"Let's just go early!" I said. "We might catch a wisp about what Herobrine is saying!"

Zombie nodded and smiled.

We then left.

We arrived 5 minutes late, somehow.

I ran inside, followed by Zombie, who didn't seem to take it as a big deal that we were late...

Instead of Herobrine, a figure with pure black skin and glowing red eyes in a white parka was standing there.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, I forgot you don't know me..." he said. "I'm Entity 303, here because Herobrine is a lazy bitch who forces me to do these classes. Skeleton, your desk is over there," he pointed at an empty desk.

I went there and sat down.

"Where's Wither?" asked Enderman.

"Oh, he's late as usual..." said Entity 303. "Typical Wither."

A few seconds later, a freaking Wither Skeleton materialized right next to me.

I jumped.

The Wither Skeleton turned to look at me.

"Who TF are you?" he asked.

"That's Skeleton, the new student!" said Zombie.

I sat down on my desk and took deep breaths.

Wither soon fell asleep in the middle of class.

"Wither, WAKE UP!!" Entity 303. "I'm not as soft as Herobrine, and besides, we have that test!"

"Fine..." said Wither.

"Wait, a test?" I said. "But I didn't know..."

"Wither, you get an extremely hard test, and the rest of you, you get a normal test. Skelly, if you would like to alter your test level, tell me." Entity informed.

As soon as the test sheets were given out, I looked through the questions.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Skelly?" said Entity.

"Is this the grade level?" I asked.

"Yes, it is, got a problem with that?" Entity asked.

"Can I get a higher level test?"


My test disappeared, and replacing it was a normal test.

This part might be the shortest... I'm going fast as humanly possible.

Wither x Skelly(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now