Camping Pt 1

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Hi, Misty here again!

Sorry I didn't post for so long, this thing glitches a lot.

Anyways, here's the new ship, how do you like it?


Wither's POV:

I sat down on my desk next to Skelly.

"Free period!" called Herobrine. "Gotta go do something!"

I smiled.

"Skelly?" I said.

"Yeah, good morning, lazy," said Skelly.

I frowned.

Skelly laughed.

"Well, at least I'm not weak!" I replied.

He gave me a dirty look, causing me to laugh.

He's so cute like that...


Umm, ok. I don't care if I think like that. I'm gonna accept it.

I mean, there's no problem, right?

"Wither? WITHER, ARE YOU THERE!?" Skelly yelled in my face.

"Um, yes?" I asked.

"You were blushing," said Skelly.

"Oh," I said, trying not to bring up the subject.

"Whatever, I guess I could just forget the topic..." said Skelly.

That was a relief.

But then I noticed someone staring at me.

It was Stray.

He looked like he was ready to shoot 15 arrows at me, and even force me to eat them.

I sighed and ignored this.

But it was hard...

"Wither?" said Skelly again. "You zoned out again."

"Ok, so now what?" I said.

"SKELLY!" shouted Zombie from across the room.

"What?" Skelly said.

"Need help with homework!"

"Coming, stupid bitch!"

Skelly ran over to Zombie.

Skelly's POV:

"Wither, do you know why we have a free period today?" I asked.

Wither didn't respond.


No response again.

Wither was staring at me creepily, and then started to blush.



"Um, yes?" Wither responded.


Stray's POV(going as fast as I can, a POV change every 2 minutes or something):

I stared at Wither intently.

And then what I saw freaked me out.

Wither and Skelly were talking, when Wither zoned out, staring at Skelly creepily.

Death trap friendship.

But I was wrong, since a few seconds later, he started blushing

That didn't happen. It couldn't have. A Wither Skeleton would never care for Sye.

They would never care for anyone.

Was I reading the situation right?

And then Skelly caught Wither's attention.

"Um, yes?" said Wither.

No way.

He sounded embarrassed.

He loved Skelly.

Of all people...

He loved my brother.

No way that was possible.

STORY 2- I dunno, this might be cringe

And also HEAT WARNING, okay?

I removed the heat and cringeness, so here ya go!

3rd POV:

Entity 303 had just finished traumatizing a player.

He remembered the sounds of fear they made and smiled.

Just then, Herobrine teleported into my room.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to help me with a camping trip," he replied.

"So, how long is this fucking trip?"

"Two weeks."

"Nah, fuck off, I got work to do!"

"No choices here," Herobrine sighed.

"WDYM?" I asked.

"Well..." said Herobrine. "I could tell the class what we do all day long..."

"Shit, I totally forgot about that... please don't..."

"Well then come on the fucking trip."

"Well..." said Entity. "I think Null's free for the week!"

"No," Herobrine said. "Null isn't social enough."

"Saying that to a murderer..." said Entity.

"Yep, now come, or I'll reveal..."

"Fine, you motherfucker, I'm coming..."

They stepped through the portal.

Skeleton's POV:

"What do you want, bitch?" I asked Zombie playfully.

"Help me with my homework, please..." Zombie said.

I looked at the homework sheet and smiled.

"Idiot," I said.

"Well, at least I'm not a weak pile of bones!" he responded.

"Want to see this 'weak pile of bones' kick you in the nut?" I replied seriously.

Zombie smiled.

"I won't even feel- AAAAAAAARGH!"

I slashed him in the arm with my sword before he could respond.

"That was entertaining..." I said. "Anyways, you see, idiot, you can't just not align decimal points... HOW DID YOU MANAGE TO GET '11' ON 1 + 1!?"

This was going to take a long time.

"But that's correct!" he joked. "Just kidding, I did it wrong on purpose."

"I need some help..." I said.

"My arm needs help!" Zombie wailed.

"What are you going to do, go crying to Herobrine?"

"Skelly, I hate you."

I smiled.

"Remember how I got the name 'Skelly'?" I asked. "This is mere payback. If I actually hated you... well, let's say that it wouldn't end well."

"Okay, Skelly, you're quite good..." said Zombie.

Just then Herobrine and Entity 303 arrived.

"Hi, everyone, we're going camping!" said Herobrine.

Thought that the part was too long, had to end it, sorry. I'm posting the next part as soon as possible, okay?

Wither x Skelly(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now