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~One thought away - Asher Angel

I stared at the confused couple, they'd had another fight.

  Would it be wrong if I wanted to go up to him now and tell him to forget her? Nahhh, I can't do that, I guess I can only watch from the sidelines and crush in the shadows.

  Andrew, he was one of the cutest guys in my year and my potential crush as at that time. He was dating Brianna and they would always have so many problems.

I've had no history with him, just that he and I were usually so close that he'd come to me to talk and ask for advice anytime at all.


  She smiled as she walked over to him and sat next to him. He rested his head on her shoulder and she rested her head on his.

"Wanna tell me what's going on?" She asked him.

"I'm hurt is all"

"What's up?"

"Wanna guess?"


"Ding ding ding, you're right" he said and she sighed.

"What happened this time?" She asked.

"One day she's acting like she's so in love with me and the next day she's making it seem like she's irritated with me somehow and it's getting very hard to keep up with those mood swings"

"Why do you worry yourself so much?"

"Is it wrong to like a girl, Ivory?"

"I never said it was wrong, it's just sometimes maybe instead of looking in the same place try searching some place else, you never know what you might find"

"What are you saying?"

"That's for you to figure out Andrew." Unsure whether Andrew got her message she decided to keep away from him. She thought he'd go back to Bri but she was wrong, he called her to the side for them to talk a few days after.

"I thought about it" were his first words.

"About what?" She asked actually confused.

"What you said dummy, about finding love some place else"

"Oh, what'd you find?" She asked smiling up at him excitedly waiting to hear his reply.

"You." Her world froze, time stopped ticking, people stopped moving, air caught in her lungs, her blood ran cold.


"Yes, you're the one who's always there to save me, you're there to actually get me smiling again, I didn't notice until just now, the love I had for you was what I was giving to Bri not knowing you were right there....waiting"

"I prayed for you" was her blatant answer.

"I love you" was his shocking response.

"Andrew wait...this– this is all happening too fast"

"Let me kiss you to slow it down"

Ivory Love Where stories live. Discover now