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~Lost boy - Ruth B

There he goes again, with all his pick up lines, it was fun listening to him actually cause it was funny to see how serious he looked while saying them.

"You look so serious I think I almost fell for you" I joked.

"Oh, well of course no one can resist my charms or my lines"

"Well, I can and I'm telling you those words would pull any girl but me" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ahg, this girl, I get sick of you sometimes you know"

"I know" I chuckled.


She'd known him for years, almost all her life, he'd always been there. Just like Ariella.

Aziel was like her guardian human, always there to give her answers to all her speculations, tell her she's being dumb whenever she begins to make stupid assumptions and a whole lot of other stuff.

Aziel was just always there for her, he was just as special to her as Ariella was, but he had something different to him.

[Hmm, here we go again]

[I just can't believe it honestly]

[You're just gonna keep falling in love aren't you]

[I'm not falling in love]
[Love is a very strong word to use, you know]

[Then what is it?]
[You're picking interest in different guys]

[I'm just having crushes, that's not so bad]

[Of course]
[Having crushes on other guys while you're in a relationship, that's so loyal]

[Don't razz me about this]
[And just so you know, this guy likes me too]

[So what? You're gonna date him?]

[I won't]
[I don't like him enough to date him]

[ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠]
[This is so funny]
[I can't believe you]
[So you're just gonna lead him on too]

[I like him though]
[So maybe not]

[You have a problem Ivy]

[I know]

[Anyways, that's how many right now?]
[7 crushes]
[1 boyfriend]
[Hmm, shocked how you're still in just one relationship, I think I'm proud of you]

[Ha-ha, very funny, yk I'm not the type to cheat, I'll forever remain loyal]

[Just shut up]
[You have a boyfriend and you're falling in love with other guys :D]

[When you say it like that you make it sound bad]

[Well it is but whatever, I don't even care]
[I just enjoy hearing about how you hurt them afterwards]

[There's the bestie I know]

[He never left]

Aziel was kind of like the brother she had but wanted to replace. He was fun to be around, made jokes at the wrongest times, comforted her at her lowest times and even the times when she talked like an obnoxious spoiled brat he never judged her, he only laugh along with her and told her how the things she said made no sense. She felt free with him, she told him (almost) everything and he the same.

Some days when they couldn't talk to each other at school they'd get home and text each other all night, they'd probably be on a call the entire night, neither of them getting any sleep. They didn't even need to have something to say to each other cause something would eventually come up and that's what always happened.

If she got a text from someone she'd read it out to him and read out her response even before she sends it. Whenever she decides to be rude to someone she'd tell him her exact words as she typed it and they'd laugh about it over and over again. Talking to Aziel felt like talking to peace.

He was the first person she'd think about when something happened. He was the one she'd always tell everything to the moment it happened, she'd make long voice messages telling him about something that happened to her any day at all and he'd listen to it responding in the best ways possible.

She enjoyed how comfortable he made her feel, he was always the listening ear she wished for.

He was hot without a doubt but was never able to bag a girl. He had smooth lines and used words very well but the moment a girl is at the tips of his fingers she falls back to where she came from and it was always so funny.

They made fun of each other, whenever she failed in having a crush, he'd laugh at her. Whenever he failed in yet securing a girl, she laughed at him. Whenever she made plans about something she knew had chances of not working, he'd be the first she'd tell.

Their friendship was one that was very hard to explain with words.

They were similar. She was older than he was, but with just 2 days and she made it her life's mission to remind him that every single time.
While he lost his dad a couple years back, she lost her mum while she was still very little.
They understood each other's pain.

She loved him.
He was more like family than a friend.


"I can imagine that actually happening and he ends up giving a different response from what you wanted"

"I know right"

"How much of what I said did you even hear?"


"This girl, I'm just tired of you" he said and I laughed.

"But you still love me"

"Shut up I don't love you"

"But I love you"

"You also love Reed, Jayden, Justin–"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't do that I love you more than I love all those stupid boys who'd leave me once I reject them"

"Oh my gosh! Is that what they are now?" He asked laughing.

"I mean, of course, I reject you all the time but yet you're still here"

"And I'm not going anywhere" he said grinning

"There's my bestie" she said smiling widely at him.

"Idiot" he facepalmed.

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