The Confession

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You were eating breakfast peacefully, at least you could enjoy today's breakfast, yesterday's was a shame you skipped it, but you decided to forget about it as you siped from your hot black coffee, you looked pleased and happy about it. ''Yo, Y/N!'' Gojo yelled your name from across the room, you put the cup down as you looked at him confused ''Don't yell my name in the whole dinner, you idiot!'' you yelled as the people from the dinner looked at you two. He smiled as he walked over to you ''Right, right. Sorry about that'' he said as he sat in the chair across the table. You could notice people were whispering as they stared at you. You buried your face into the cup of coffee, trying not to look up at him, you felt embarrassed. ''What's the matter?'' Gojo asked as he looked at you. ''N-Nothing, just I hate that people are staring at us'' you said as you looked up from your cup, Gojo had a confused look on his face ''Well ignore them, I've come here to ask you a favor'' he said smiling. ''What favor?'' you said as you siped the last drop of your coffee. ''Well, you see, Yaga wants me to go somewhere today on a mission, but the problem is I already told the kids I would take them on a Special-Grade Curse hunt, but since I can't go anymore.....'' Gojo said smiling at you. ''Now I'm a babysitter too?? Can't you cancel your mission and go with them? They are your students after all....'' You couldn't believe it, Gojo asking YOU for a favor, it must be the opposite day or something like that for the MIGHTY GOJO SATORU to ask someone for a favor, not to mention his ex-girlfriend. ''Oh, come on. Don't be like that! I will owe you one and we both know you will say yes anyway'' He said as he grabbed one of your pancakes. ''How can you be so sure about it?'' you looked at him as he ate, he shrugged ''Megumi. I know you want to spend more time with him. I know you missed him, although you could always come back, if not to see me, least to see him.'' You looked at him shocked ''The nerve you have! I can't believe it....You know damn well why I left. You were the one who said *I can't do this anymore, not without Geto around so it should be for the best if we would just break up*. YOU said that, not me so don't act like I chose to leave Megumi behind. I love the kid and besides I talked to him all the time over SMS.'' You got up pissed off, he just stood there thinking about something. ''I'm sorry Y/N, but the kids need someone to go with them, you don't have to do anything, just to....'' Gojo began and you rolled your eyes ''Stop it. I will go''. Gojo got up smiling ''Perfect! Ijichi is waiting for you outside.'' he left, leaving you behind thinking what the hell just happened, did Gojo Satoru just apologize? Clearly, something is really off today.

Ijichi was already outside of the school, waiting for you next to the car. ''Good morning, Miss Y/N'' he said as he opened the car's door ''Hey Ijichi, where are the kids?'' you looked around the car confused. ''They are already there, Gojo-sensei told me to come back to get you''. ''Of course, he did.'' ''So what is the mission??'' you asked Ijichi as you looked out of the window, it was raining outside. ''Well, our window verified a curse womb three hours ago. Once 90% were successfully evacuated, they made the call to seal off the center. Citizens within a 500-meter radius have been evacuated, as well.'' you listen to Ijichi's explication ''Detainee Block 2. At present, five detainees remain there with the cursed womb. If this cursed womb is the type that metamorphoses, we predict it will become a special-grade cursed spirit.'' Ijichi said as he parked the car close to the abandoned building. ''So that's why I am here? To intervene if anything like that happens?'' You looked up at the building and Ijichi nodded ''Precisely, let's get going, the students are waiting.'' he said as he led the way.

The three kids were in front of the building, talking. ''So...I still don't really understand what special-grade means'' Yuji said to Nobara and Megumi confused. ''Allow me to explain it..'' you said as you walked up to them, they turned and Yuji smiled as he saw you. ''Y/N-sensei!'' he said and you waved at him smiling. ''Good to see you, Yuji, Megumi...Nobara''. ''So...sensei, what special grade means?'' Yuji's curiosity made you giggle ''Well, first, there's grade 4 a wooden bat is enough for them. Grade 3, if you have a handgun, you can rest easy. Grade 2, it will be a close call with a shotgun. Grade 1, even a tank may be insufficient. And then there's Special Grade, even footing with a carpet bombing of cluster bombs.'' You saw Yuji's face change ''That's really bad!'' he said panicking a little bit, but you just smiled at him. ''Normally a jujutsu sorcerer on par with the cursed spirit would take on the mission. On a day like today, that would be Gojo-sensei, but I guess that's why Y/N-sensei is here.'' Megumi said ''Don't worry Yuji, if it comes to it, I will take care of it.'' You said smiling at the kid and you could see he was a little bit better now that you said that. ''But where is Gojo-sensei?'' Yuji said looking around ''He had other business.'' You said looking at the building trying to ready it's Curse Energy -It really looks like this will cause some problems. It's Energy is already pretty high...- ''Unfortunately, we are constantly short-handed in this business. You will often have to undertake missions beyond your power. The current case, however, is an abnormal one, and most urgent. Do not fight under any circumstances. If you encounter a special grade, your options are to either run or die, but since Y/N-sensei is here, I suggest you run and let her handle it. But please just listen to your fears. Don't forget that your mission here is strictly the verification and rescue of survivors.'' Ijichi said.

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