Hanabeth 's Diaries

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                          Germany, Leipzig Kassal 1809, in Beyond River Mansion 

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                                   CHAPTERS OF HANABETH DIARIES :

                                                   Chapter Two of the Journal N°two                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                   Chapter Two of the Journal N°two                                                                                                                                                                    ...

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      The continuation of the ceremony is now thrown in our back beautiful gardens, an exquisite kind of party, people have been unstoppably congratulating us, couples dancing on fete's most exhilarating music notes, the musicians play for us the ...

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      The continuation of the ceremony is now thrown in our back beautiful gardens, an exquisite kind of party, people have been unstoppably congratulating us, couples dancing on fete's most exhilarating music notes, the musicians play for us the classics but also a plethora of mixing merry enchanted rythmes, gentlemen's & ladies are drinking in this joyous celebration, boisterous clatters & hissing conversations roams the whole vast yard,i even found myself enthralled in this rejoicing ebullience of a party, I almost forget that i have been forced to marry, not when Iggor catches me by surprise & drag me to the dance field, and we dance crazily, with quick & smooth choreographed moves, in gleeful silly motions, i think i haven't felt this much-elated happiness in such a long time, just as soon as my sisters take part of our shared dance,i couldn't stop chuckle in waves of joyful peals of laughter ,and when my two auburn ruffled haired of twins joins us ,we create a joint circle , a reminder of indestructible bond of our shared blood , a promise that my family belongs to my heart ,that no matter what i'll always find my way back to them ,then when we finish the dance , i find myself stiff & flushed with sweat , my lips puffing whispers of breathes, then i my eyes pick up in the far corner , where my very husband who doesn't displaced himself from that same spot he glued himself after the ceremony , he is with of course his so affixed friend , my obvious Grobvater , siping on some wine while absorbed in some deep discussing , i do not gawk at them much ,as the very old son of my husband ,Amagyl curtsies & takes my hand for light kiss ,he is tall strong man ,with a lengthy brownish hair that reaches his broad shoulders ,has a subtle narrowed nose that catches my sights ,i never expected not in million times i'll be a step-mother to twenty & four gentleman ,heavens he's himself older that i ,how could he even consider me as mother , it is rediculous , " Praise be My Lady , i come here to felicitate heartfully my good wishes ,compliments & sincere congratulations to this joyful union ,thus it is an Honor to serve ,the next Viscountess of Beyond , i am here to serve feel free to summon me anytime " he's stupor declaration renders me speechless , i never thought he'll be so accepting of me this soon ,

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