groupchat pt15 |messed up|

311 7 7

(tom and xochitl)


what is your problem?
jealous of that girl?

I didn't even do anything
so what is your problem?

"he probably stds
25 or more is crazy"
why do you always
have something to say

I know you seen the
text of me saying I wasn't in
love with you
want me to lie?

it's literally called a joke
and second I don't care
if I seen it
that's not my problem
I can't control how you feel
everyday the love I have for you
is fading so I don't care what you do

go fuck yourself
how you out here with girls who constantly
beg me to make them look like me?
like seriously lauren? I literally can't
believe you'd actually do that

she said she was sorry
worry about yourself and
stop bugging honestly

whatever dude
fuck you
you'll see how she really is
and don't talk to me again

whatever dramatic ass
talking to you wasn't fun anyway
*not delivered*

(friday 2:46pm)

Slut party 😩

brysia bae <3:
tom you're so funny
if you think I'm gonna let
what you said slide

oh my what happened

tom I love you, and we understand
you aren't in love with her and stuff
I'm pretty sure she does to but why
would you go out with that girl?

maybe mind your guy's
plus she's always making me
feel like a slut for sleeping with
a lot of women and saying I have stds
like come on

boy first of all
that's your choice to sleep
with multiple women it's not a
bad thing your a free man but you
sleeping and dating a girl who drugged
you and did some shit who knows what it
was is beyond me and it makes me upset
that your being like this

I'm not picking sides because there
shouldn't even be a problem.
you both better fix this, you guys
are friends

she's dramatic and seriously
lauren was sorry
I don't get what's her problem?

I cannot stress this enough
If you have a problem with me
you address me
I don't even care what happens to you
So if that bitch does something to you,
I'm gonna let it
Because you'll see why I hate her
And then,
I'm going to say you deserved it

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