3•A friends request

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Coven replacements living quarters

Today was different.Today I had no school, no assignments, no pointless interactions with witches I'll never see after my school years ends.

Today, was the the covention,A day where young witches got a chance to see their potential future, what coven they'll be apart of, what magic they'll have for the rest of their lives.im excited to say the least.

I had already been up for hours, planning and plotting out the day so that I knew everything to make sure nothing went wrong on my part. I was to show up, talk to some younger witches, get to know some of the next generation of witches that I'd one day get to see over as a coven head!

I was actually excited for today, I didn't care that I'd be on my feet almost all day,that'd I'd have to answer the same boring questions over and over again, all I cared about was making a good impression on those I would speak to

Grabbing the mask to my uniform I clipped it to the back of my belt, I then walked out of my room and down the stairs to the main common rooms of the house I shared with the rest of the replacements, sighing as I heard the familiar arguing of my fellow teens, the clambering of metal pots and the hands that made breakfast, and the sound of coughing..

Reaching the bottom of the stairs I saw two teens in the small kitchen, preparing a snack,arguing all through the process of what to make, and how to do so, then my eyes moved to the three other teens, arguing over whose cloaks where on on the floor and who's turn it was to do laundry.My attention now turned to the coughing..

On the living room sofa sat emberwolfs replacements, in the middle of a coughing fit, covered in blankets and healing glyphs, they suddenly sneezed, fire shooting through their nose

I rushed over, and sat on the arm of the sofa,putting my hand on the demons back to comfort them "What in Titans name happened?" I turned my attention to the red haired teen that sat next to them, the healing replacement.

"Well, Max and my little sunbite decided to do some.. Not so bright things, and now they both have the fire flu" The horned witch explained as they put the back of their hand against Max's forehead

"Where is gwen?" I asked,looking around realizing the toddler wasn't is eye view

"She's up in my room napping,The fire flu has taken quite a bit out of her unfortunately" they said sighing, removing their hand from Max's forehead "hopefully it doesn't last long, I would hate for her to miss too much school"

"I'm sure she'll be fine Eli" I moved my hand from Max's back to Elijah's shoulder, squeezing it gently to reassure them

"Hope your right {y/n}" They red head gave a small smile,"hey,You headin' to the covention?" They asked, noticing I was in my armoured uniform

"I am, want me to pick you up some free hand outs? I know how you are about free goodies" I asked with a laugh, Elijah would do anything to save a couple of snails, they hated spending the money on fun items when it could be used on their girl

"Yeah, that'd be great" they said as they stood up, patting my head and planting a parent-y kind of kiss on my forehead "A new pen would be great, mines about to run out" they continued, walking over the kitchen to grab water for max

"Can count on me Eli!" I gave a mock salute followed by a laugh

Just then all our attentions was brought to the front door, we all got silent as it was opened by a coven scout, who stood to the side by the door to allow a tall, dark haired woman to walk in

"LILITH!" A few of the replacements shouted at they ran to the door to greet the head, who in turn gave a smile you often didn't see from her

"Hello children, it's good to see you all" she greeted as she rubbed the head of one of the younger replacements who held onto her in a hug

"I just wanted to see you all before I headed off to the covention Hall" Her voice carried through the room, so warm and welcoming

Her eyes shifted over to the sofa where max sat "oh dear, what happened?" She asked, turning her head to the healer

"Fire flu Ms lilith" Elijah spoke, straightening their posture whilst speaking to the head

"Has a scout picked up a potion for it yet?" The woman walked over to the sofa and sat next to the ill teen resting her hand on their forehead

"I had sent a request for a scout to get some from the castles storage or even the market, but I haven't heard anything back yet" Elijah responded, handing max their water

Lilith's expression turned from one of worry, to cold anger as she stood and turned to the scout that stood by the door, She didn't even get to speak before the scout rushed out of the room to fetch the potion

"You'll get the potion soon, don't worry" Lilith had turned back to max, petting their hair. Lilith then sighed "alright, well I'll be heading to the covention now, do tell me if the scout takes too long" she smiled warmly

"I will Ms Lilith" Elijah now sat where Lilith had as she walked back towards the door

"I shall see some of you there then" she gave one last smile before exiting, closing the door behind her

The chaos of before resumed as everyone went back to what they had been doing

Today was surly going to be a fun one..

Apologies for this short bit being so late, life has been quite chaotic for me recently, but I'm back to writing ^^, here is the ref for my persona, Elijah, the replacement for the healing coven

Apologies for this short bit being so late, life has been quite chaotic for me recently, but I'm back to writing ^^, here is the ref for my persona, Elijah, the replacement for the healing coven

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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