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They left shortly after. I quickly went inside I ran up to pony's room and laid on the floor I was debating whether I should hide under the bed or not. I decided not to and sat in a Conner of the room.

Several hours later
They finally walk in the door slamming it.
Darry: find any signs.
They all said no.
Pony: damn it!
Dally: Pony we will find her don't worry.
Pony: no no we won't I hate Luke for driving her away.
Is he crying. Wow really did it this time uh.
Darry: her mom hasn't found her yet.
Mom I forgot I should she her after I'm done here.
Two: man I wish y/n was here to watch Mickey with me.
Steve: you said that every day for the past 3 months why's going on do you know something?
Two sighed a sad sigh.
Two: no I dont I hoped that one time I say that she'll just show up or walk out of pony's room.
Steve: that's ridiculous.
I almost started laughing hard. I quietly opened the bedroom door and quietly walked down the stairs about half why I ran down them.
I screamed. Two muted the tv and all of them came dashing over to the stairs. Pony practically jumped on me.
Pony: we're have you been I have been so worried. We all have been.
I looked around and saw everyone one smiling.
Steve: looks like you silliness paid off.
I laughed pushing pony off of me.
Y/n: I am going to see my mom.
Pony: I'm coming with you!

We was walking when I asked pong something.
Y/n: pony?
Pony: yeah
Y/n: do you like me?
Pony didn't say anything just looked down.
Pony: yeah.
Y/n: I knew it.
Pony: h-how
Y/n: today I was going to scare you guys when I over heard yours and Dallys conversation about me being your future girlfriend.
Pony blushed.
Y/n: I would love to be your girlfriend pony.
I said. He looked at me.
Pony: really!
Y/n: yep.

1 year later
It's been a year now and me and pony had our fist kiss a few months after we first started dating we are both 15 now almost 16 I see Mike almost every day I bring him snacks and stuff and I know there is a lot more time to go but yeh.

Word count 417
This is the last part I loved writing this story let me know if I should continue or keep it as the last part bye<3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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