1- Him

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SHE'S BACK!Hiii, I haven't updated on here for a little bit so yeah. I be doing Comedy Gold and hopefully I'll come close to finishing this.

Something I want in my fanfic: If I make more like this or story's with a little bit of shipping,(not revolved around two individuals) then I would like the things that happen in those stories to become canon in my books!(I will possibly add Nickloon to be canon  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

With out further a do, Comedy Gold.


Trophy's POV


It was a normal morning at the hotel. When I say normal, I mean Yin-Yang putting The Cherries mattress in the pool to float and waiting for them to wake up kind of normal.

I usually wake up early to beat the morning crowd. I decided to go outside to see if there was anything worth taking pictures of. I grab my camera and head down stairs. I took a protein shake from the fridge and headed out the door.

I could have been wrong, but it looked more brighter than it normally is. I mean sure, the sun hasn't come all the way up but maybe it didn't need to. I walked for a bit until I came across a butterfly sitting on a flower. What made the scene even more perfect was that the flower the edge of a cliff so you could also see the beautiful sky with the sun in the background. I kneel down to take the photo. I zoom in so it can focus more on the butterfly on the flower and then...


The butterfly flies away from the sound. I get up and notice the photo was finished printing. I took it and slightly shock it. I looked at it as the colors started coming to life. I expanded it closer as it seems like in was all in color. It actually looks really go-

???: Hey Goldie!

🏆: Ack!

I almost drop my camera at the sudden noise. I turn around to see the comedian.

🧀: Woah! Sorry for the scare Goldie.

🏆: Don't call me Goldie! And I wasn't scared, just surprised.

I turn around about to find more things to take pictures of but I stopped and turned back around.

🏆: What are you even doing out here? No one usually wakes up this early.

🧀: What do you mean hehe...

I raise an eyebrow at him.

🧀:(sigh) Fine. You slammed a door and that woke me up. I went to see what you were doing.

🏆: So you were following me?!

🧀: No. I just walked with you silently without you knowing.


🧀: OKAY OKAY CHEESE! Calm down.

🏆: That wasn't even funny! Ugh! I'm leaving!

I start heading the other way to get away from him and to get back on task. I look behind me just to see Cheesy still following me. Geez, what does this twerp want?

🏆: You want something?

🧀: Well, I'm already out here so I could-

After hearing that, I quickly turned around and stopped him in his tracks.

🏆: No. You're not gonna follow me and distract me while I try to take some photos.

🧀: Awww come on! I promise I won't be a bother.

🏆: You're already a bother.

🧀: (Gasp) I can't believe you would say that. You know what, I not leaving! I'm going to stay and show you how silent I can be!

🏆: Are you serious?! You know how close I am to beat you up?

🧀: Hahaha! Sure! Tip: If you still want a place to live, I suggest you don't do that.


I just turn around and walk away fuming. Why does he have to be so annoying?! And so cute... WAIT WHAT!?! WHY DID I THINK ABOUT THAT?! I can feel my face slightly heat up. OMG WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! NO NO NO! I DO NOT THINK THAT CHEESY IS CU-

🧀: Uhhh, you okay Trophy?

🏆: I thought I told you to shut up!

🧀: Hey hey calm down! I was just checking on you. You're very red.

🏆: I-I-well I a random memory pop up.

🧀: (🤨) What was it about?

🏆: I-It's none of your business!

🧀: Wow. Don't think that I ever seen you embarrassed before.


I push him and I rush back to the hotel to save myself from more embarrassment. I go up to my room and flop on to my bed screaming into my pillow.

???: Rough morning huh?

I could already tell that it was Tissues.


🤧: okay (cough)


Yippee! I finished. There was no tissues emoji so I had to use this 🤧. I hope you enjoyed that! Okay, bye! Make good choices! :)

"You're so cheesy"- Comedy Gold (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now