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As we were still driving I suddenly realized where we were going- the aquarium.

"Aww stop you brought to the fishies" I said while pouting at bada making her kiss me on the forehead.

"Ok let's go and see lil fishes, then we can get food and go home and cuddle" she said, while getting out of the car, going to the side of the car and opening it for me "there you darling" she to me making me blush, she noticed & smiled at me taking my hand.

As we got our tickets to finally to go inside I saw plushies on the side, and my eyes lit up and pouted, "you want it baby?" Bada said making me jump a little, "no not really", I grabbed her hand and led her over to the actual fishies and my eyes lit up as I saw a jellyfish, "it's so pretty" I said while aww-ing at it.

As we were walking we saw sharks, I never really liked sharks "it looks like you bada" I said while giggling making her put a resting face on "I'm joking I'm joking" I said to her but that made her circle her hands around my waist and whisper in my ear "u want me to bite you" she said in seductive voice, I just froze and looked at her.

Like 30 minutes later I started to get a little hungry so I tapped bada's shoulder, "bada, can we go?" I said while rubbing my tummy at her, she just smiled and rubbed my tummy "yes we can" I then felt a bag swishing around as she was doing that but I blew it off.

As we exited to the parking lot and into the car, I saw bada pull out a bag from her back and smile at me, "BADAAA, what did you buy me?omg" I said while basically yelling at her "open it and see" she said while smiling at me, I opened the bag and saw a jellyfish plushie that I was looking at at the aquarium, "bada baby thank you so much" I said while pouting looking at her "ok let's go now" she said "what do you want to eat" she said to me "ooh chick fa la".

She then starting driving, once we got there we ordered are food and sat down at a table.

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