Final Chapter: This Pen is my Sword

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Life is something we need to cherish; I don't even know why.

Me and my family are currently falling apart due to my recent behaviour. After witnessing the hero in blue, it has worsened my well-being.

Especially after coming into physical contact with my visions.

His name is Blake Norwind, a boy who is destined to become the saviour of the world, a superhero with high standards who will strive for greatness.

Unfortunately, his feelings passed on to me. The reason is that I not only saw his problem but his entire life. All the great and especially the bad moments.

That caused my sudden reaction.

Right now I was sitting in a bench in a park near my apartment. Under the night wear the snowflakes are slowly pouring down.

I didn't want to go into an argument.
Not after how I reacted. It's been almost a year since I came into contact with the man in blue, and it doesn't seem to get better.

I overheard my wife talking to our children's parents, and the possibility of divorce hasn't been ruled out.

I can't blame her; she wants to help, but she can't do anything that could actually help me. Not even is it about the future.

I wanted some peace, but clearly I won't.

The company where I worked, writing comic books, kept hassling me, insisting on coming out of retirement.

The problem is that I can't go back and write the stories. Because they weren't only real, most of the stories will actually happen in all of our universe, including ours.

I didn't want to show what will happen in the future; not only won't they believe me, but this is something that I shouldn't be talking about.

Those stories are not just real but personal towards those characters.

I didn't want to trample on their personal lives,  but there are things I shouldn't talk about.

Knowing is not often a good thing; not only would you witness any outcomes but also events that should be witnessed in person.

Preventing the future is not always a good thing. We don't have full control over our choices, and sometimes an event will occur even after we know what will happen.

What I saw was a world of chaos.

Do you want to know what I saw when I placed my hand on the man in blue?

Honestly, it doesn't matter; knowing what will happen is taking a toll on me; my health is declining, and my marriage is deteriorating.

I really hoped there could be a way to stop this.

As I was sitting, I noticed a boy wearing a superhero costume. He was staring at me for a while; I didn't know for how long he was there.

He was staring at me, deep in my soul.

I asked, "What are you doing?"

The kid didn't answer my question for a while; he spent five minutes staring into my eyes until he finally spoke.

"I'm trying to use my power so that I can help you be happy."

From the looks of it, I can tell that the child is a superhero fanatic, but I wonder why he was wearing a costume. We are in the middle of summer; maybe there's a superhero convention to which he was invited.

When I asked, he answered my question after failing to put a smile on my face, and he quickly sat down and was disappointed.

"Well, it was a Christmas party; one of my classmates invited all of us, including me. He told me that we had to wear a superhero costume.
I guess I was late because I took a long time deciding which costume I wanted to wear. I love all heroes, so it was difficult to choose.
It was the first time I was invited to a party, but I ruined it all."

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