Chapter 4

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... Never once did she feel alone...

Mistress Almut Bade strode in, accompanied by two imposing figures.

One, garbed in opulent attire exuding formality akin to a uniform, bowed respectfully as the other figure entered. With an aura of oppressive superiority, it was immediately apparent that this was no ordinary individual.

From his commanding presence to his regal attire, there was no mistaking it—the man poised to purchase her was of royal descent.

"My liege, it is an honor to welcome you. Please, take a seat," Mistress Almut gestured towards a luxurious chair before her desk. The Domineer seemed absentminded as he seated himself, his escort standing vigilantly by his side.

Only when the royal figure took his seat did Mistress Almut dare to lower herself onto hers.

She hastily retrieved my documents from her files and presented them to the man, her eyes betraying the greed and excitement bubbling within her. Being paid fifty times what she had originally bargained for was no small feat. And to think, she had planned to send the white-haired rogue to her demise days later.

Ha! She mused. Killing two birds with one stone indeed...

The Domineer perused my documents with interest.

"O-negative?... Almost too good to be true..." He mused aloud, lifting his hazel gaze from the documents to meet Mistress Almut's eyes. With a smirk, he finally spoke.

"So, it is settled then?..."

A fever gripped my body as I stood by the opulent carriage. This marked my first time outside the confines of the auction house in over seven years. Spring enveloped the surroundings in a verdant embrace, more beautiful than I had anticipated.

Yet, it was regrettable that illness had bound me.

Soon, the sound of approaching footsteps reached my ears. With weary eyes, I glanced towards the source.

The Domineer before me exuded an imposing presence. With dark raven hair slicked back and hazel eyes gleaming with a hint of scorn, he was not one to be trifled with.

He caught my gaze and shifted his attention towards me, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You are quite the wide-eyed child..." he remarked, his voice resonating with authority. I averted my gaze, shuddering involuntarily.

"Eloise will seem to like you, Little doll," he added, his cold hands brushing through my hair, eliciting a tremor of fear.

"You seem a little ill... Just a few hours until we arrive," he reassured, a semblance of courtesy in his demeanor.

Hours passed, and the carriage's trembling ceased as we arrived at our destination. As the doors swung open, the Domineer stepped out, guiding me to do the same.

As I descended, the grandeur of the structures before me overwhelmed my senses. To call it merely a castle would be an understatement.

The individual who greeted us was a human slave, a sight more commonplace than I had anticipated.

Another slave took hold of my leash, leading me inside. I marveled at the size and beauty of the castle—mammoth yet lavish, intricate yet gargantuan.

It all made sense now—the Domineer before me was royalty.

The Grand Duke of Kredenseville, Lord Krause, strode into the palace with an air of dignity. All bowed in deference to the Grand Duke.

I was escorted further into the sprawling castle, the cold floor unforgiving against my shoeless feet. Fatigue threatened to consume me as I struggled to keep pace.

Then, the sound of hurried footsteps reached my ears. I weakly lifted my gaze and beheld a vision of loveliness rushing towards the Grand Duke.

My suspicions were confirmed—this was Lady Eloise, the Grand Duke's daughter.

"Father," she greeted, her excitement palpable as she clasped her father's hands.

"What took you so long?"

"Trying to find the perfect one," he replied, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Her eyes widened in delight as she beheld the figure standing behind her father—a young girl with unnatural white hair and honey-brown eyes, seemingly in her early teens, appearing feeble and fragile.

"O-negative?" Lady Eloise inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"It's hard to find, but I stumbled upon her by chance," the Grand Duke explained.


Confusion clouded my mind. Had I been chosen merely for my blood type? It seemed logical, albeit disheartening.

"People with O-negative blood are rare," a young man remarked from his seat, his features bearing a striking resemblance to the Grand Duke—Lord Elisha, the Duke's first son.

"Dear Eloise deserves the finest," he added, his tone tinged with mild reproach.

"This is her fourth acquisition this year. Remember what happened last time?" another voice chimed in—a reminder of past indiscretions.

"She couldn't control her thirst, but I trust she has learned her lesson," the Grand Duke interjected, his gaze lingering on Lady Eloise.

"Right," she affirmed, her gaze steely as she exchanged a glance with her brother.

As Lady Eloise's eyes met mine, a shiver coursed through my body. I hastily averted my gaze, committing her features to memory.

"She's all yours now. Take care of her," the Grand Duke instructed, his tone final.

"I will," Lady Eloise assured, her smile belying the gravity of the situation.

As she departed, I was led away with a leash around my neck. The maids, under Lady Eloise's command, began the task of cleaning and attending to me.

They ushered me into a loft room at the pinnacle of the castle—a sanctuary, albeit modest. There, I was bathed, tended to, and clad in pristine white garments.

As Lady Eloise entered the room, I stiffened, acutely aware of her newfound ownership over me. Her scrutinizing gaze bore into me, prompting a wave of discomfort.

"Are you an albino?" she queried, her disappointment palpable.

I shook my head, unable to vocalize a response. My muteness served as a barrier to communication, leaving me at a loss.

Examining me closely, Lady Eloise noted my frail appearance. At fourteen years of age, I appeared years younger, my pallid complexion and gaunt frame betraying the hardships I had endured.

"She appears mute, your Ladyship. Her health is precarious. I recommend she receive treatment before further proceedings," an aged maid suggested, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lady Eloise cast one final glance in my direction before issuing her decree to the maids.

"She shall remain in this room henceforth, attired in white and only white. Her nourishment shall be provided solely in the hall until further notice. Is that understood?"

"Yes, your Ladyship," the maids chorused, bowing in deference.

With that, Lady Eloise departed, leaving me to contemplate my fate in solitude.

To be continued...

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