-Chapter 1-

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This is what the elderly people called the approaching age of the earth. Only those with memories of what life was like 100 years ago can agree with the idea.

Forests were cleared and replaced with concrete and metal buildings. The oxygen of the atmosphere was contaminated with carbon dioxide. People going about their day to day became more isolated in their own lives and what was known as mere courtesy to others was lost.

But it wasn't all bad. Science, technology and medicine made unimaginable discoveries that in the past would only be dreams.

This is how in the XXII century, genetic problems were nothing more than a simple matter of paying enough to fix the problem. Physical defects and most of the mental ones were easy to cure. But what happened when they were twins? After the year 2098, when the world declared itself over populated, a new law was declared where women had the right to give birth only once, the number of children that appeared at birth was irrelevant. For people of higher status it was no problem. They only had to choose to keep only one child or easily pay the economic expense of both. But for those without the resources, having twins was like a curse.

That was how Eli and Jonathan Thompson came to the orphanage. A careless mother with no desire to bear the responsibility of two lives left them at the door of an orphanage.

Luckily for the babies, orphanages are under the protection of governments. Their education is paid for and supervised by capable people. But the coexistence between the children is not the best. Fights that lead to loosening teeth are quite common since caregivers only choose to have a job that gives them money, not out of interest in the well-being of minors.

Eli, the older of the twins, grew up defending his younger brother. He wasn't afraid of having to break noses if someone messed with his family. As for his brother, Jonathan, he was a sweet soul, his strength was in his intelligence and his heart in science books. It was normal for the two of them to spend the afternoon together away from the others. While Jonathan reads aloud, Eli pays attention to whatever his brother says. Even though he often finds it hard to understand what he says. He even had to get a dictionary to understand the complex words in the books that his little brother loved.

Growing up was not a problem with the dynamics they had. It was like this, when leaving school, the 13-year-old brothers hit the road to the park to have their precious free time before returning to the orphanage full of children with testosterone to the maximum and desires to hit something to de-stress.

What they did not know was that that same day they would meet 2 other people. Thomas and Jacob Sully.

Another set of twins.

From the first sight, the 4 children were intrigued to meet the opposites. It was normal, twins were not common in a society as strange as the one they live in.

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