Berdon is rich

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So if 100 bronze pennies is 1 silver shilling and 5 shilling is one golden sovereign and the team (Fletcher Sylva Othello Cress) made 375 each from the mission (500+1000/4) and Rory's mother makes 60 silver a year then they got 30 years of a semesters wage per person. This may seem as allot of first till you realize that you need to compare this to average working wages to billionaires but then unhinged bc no human rights. So you telling me that with 30 years of the average workers wage (avg working wage rn is for ppl working in close proximity to a city not in the countryside) is enough to get a private army?? Btw this gets even more weird when you realize that each of them got 1.8k silver and fletcher saved up 300 himself in one summer (seamstress with good skills that isn't in a random town in the middle of nowhere where traders only come by once a year (BASICALLY TOWN IS FUCKING POOR) makes 60 a year) and got 1k from Berdon what was a "decent chunk of his savings" like the math aint mathing here

dont forget to vote next chapter is ranks
Btw this was just a rant formatting is prob ass and this was written on mobile (normally I am on pc but repairs..)

btw it could be that Rory's mother makes 60 a month and it could be geneves mother idk I forgot the details

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