size does matter?

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okay so at the end of battlemage its mentioned that people were dying by the tens of thousands what makes me assume that hominums army is quite  big now for calculus lets say pelt had 150 residents (mentioned in battlemage) and there are a few hundred villages in the beartooth mountains and lets say most of them are slightly smaller than pelt because pelt is close to boaras so lets say an avg of 130 then its still 30k people in the beartooth mountains.  then lets say that the time from boaras to corcillum on foot is probably 3 weeks  now lets say that beartooth is a densely populated area because its in the fucking cold mountains with this intel we can get a approximate estimation that hominum as well over 1m residents so the army in time of war must be around 50k 

now the cleft in raleighshire is supper important because if the orcs get thru corcilum is fucked and the frontline gets rear ended so hard that it will evaporate and homminum will fall 

now lets analyze the defenses of it for starters you could just make two brick walls on each side of the cleft put sand in-between them and you have a barrier unless you want to invade the orc jungle from raleighshire this is quite nice. another thing you could do for defenses is have a few cannons because the orcs need to run thru a 10 man wide gap you can use fragmentation shells for allot of collateral damage. if that isnt invented yet a normal cannonball goes right thru all the orcs in it way so that's still 30 killcount per volley. 

now lets analyze what they actually had 60 forsyt furies who dint even all have a musket and with no one up in the watchtower where btw there is sun. now 60 men are protecting the lives of homminum? also no battlemages amongst their ranks? wtf

now fletcher got 38 soldiers who are well trained and 3 battlemages to hold THE CLEFT 38 people protecting the entirety of hominum. 

now lets talk about how braindead the orcs were.

now an orcs strengths are that he is strong and big and his weakness are that he is slow and clumsy 

now our good friends the goblins here strenghts are fast and agile and small and weeknesses are weak 

now let me paint you a perspective here having theese on their own is like having a full regiment of musketeers with no mele and then hoping you will defeat the orcs like wtf with a few pikemen you can hold the orcs off and probaly kill 3x as much orcs 

now imagine the same thing for goblins and orcs. now another thing is that i would imagine that agility is better in an open field and not in a small cleft and that the orcs could just run it down into the cleft 

all in all everything is weird but eh

don't forget to vote :p 

and leave me some suggestions on what topic to cover next also i am making good progress on  the fanfic, rn I am halfway up the 3 act story structure for the book and a special thanks to cyansummoner for helping me with the story structure 

also I probably butchered all the ocs of the summoner and that's because I am lazy and i love spellcheck 

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